
Showing posts from July, 2023

Social / group experiments

Creating group challenges with activities that reinforce positive practices. This is proving to be a great tool as seen so far in two months of the 50 daily push-ups challenge. What others group experiments could we come up with? A WhatsApp group to update the numbers and congratulate each one’s efforts is important. As well as setting a group goal. The final number must be seen as a group number, not individual.

El talento es importante

 Pero la disciplina cuenta por 2. Book: Grit by Angela Duckworth 

Gratefulness is underrated

Most people know being grateful is a good thing. However, not many practice it on a daily basis. Therefore, missing out on this super power.

Dopamine is a serious game

 On that depends our motivation. How can we boost our dopamine production? The answer is in: Food. Exercise. Sleep.