
Showing posts from March, 2024

People are better at Execution or at Vision. Which one are you?

Know to if you are better at executing plans, or ideation/ vision of new plans, is important. Both are great skills and working on the missing skill will help you both materialise what you plan but also the vision to do it in the right direction.  Vision are thinkers, sometimes dreamers, slower, doing lots of reflection and questions. But lacking the power to make it real, slow in the implementation therefore seeing few results of what is there in mind. Execution is fast, always moving, getting it done, wanting more to do. But lacking direction, meaning, the why. Sergio.


It’s not necessarily how much you achieve? (money, houses, status,…) that’s what I call RESULTS. But also how ENJOYABLE has been the journey to get those results? That’s why we can’t compare people’s journeys and achievements. Because each balance is unique and what we see is only a part of it.  The ratio RESULTS  vs ENJOYABLE will show the real personal success. (And how much of that helps others). Morning reflection. Sergio.