I'm a slave of food

It makes me upset that I am snacking even when I have told myself I wouldn't. 

It makes me feel regret and guilt. 

The constant mental battle about eating or not eating is a difficult one. The brain sends signals to the stomach which starts preparing for eating, then, game over... It starts in the mind. The body just follows.

Snacking is not even fun anymore. All my mind focuses while eating is about the next snack. Even before to finish the first one. 

Thinking about food the whole day and having those mental battles is a great waste of energy. 

I once did with a friend a 21 day fasting, it consisted on having only one meal a day for 21 days while praying with some particular purpose. 

I did it, mostly, there were just a few days I ate twice a day. 

I have to admit that, as crazy as this idea sounded in the beginning, I have never felt that freedom before. The freedom of removing food from my mind.

I was able to use those 1 to 2 hours I normally spent eating or preparing food in some other activities with a purpose. That was probably one of my best experiences about food. My body felt well and my mind even better. 

My sleep improved instantly, my stomach felt so light by the time I was going to sleep that I was able to have a deeper sleep and feel more rested. 

Another interesting aspect is that during that fasting I really enjoyed eating. It felt so so good. It was the reward for remaining true to my commitment.

I think the best option. Even if eating once, twice or more times a day, is planning all the meals in advance, and sticking to that.

How can I respect myself if I can't not even consciously decide what I eat and when I eat?  

I will be honest to my self and ask this question. Does this food serve me well in this moment? Does my body need this food?

I will do this for 30 days. 
Whatever I eat must have been planned in advance. If it wasn't planned, it means it is something I don't need. I will regain control of myself and feel well about that.

Many authors agree that exposing ourselves to challenging situations is the only way to grow. Wish me luck.

Have you ever tried Fasting? What was your experience? 


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