We are only as good and strong, as an adversity makes us

The title is a quote from Lewis Howes on his book "The School of Greatness"

What is the most difficult thing you have ever done?

Mine was being able to graduate as a engineer from a very good university. It took me 6.5 years (which should have been 5, but it's not too bad considering that only the 3% of those who apply are actually able to graduate). I had emotional academic crisis every semester as the challenges of approving the subjects just seemed tremendously hard. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be an engineer, but the challenge of some day, being able to be part of that selected group of graduates was enough to keep me on board. That and being surrounded by very talented people. 

After nearly failing 3 subjects in my very first semester, and not certainly looking easier for the next ones, those 6.5 years felt  like a very, very long time. 

I will never forget the happiest moment in my life. Yes, it was the day I was told I would be able to graduate. That same day I started planning the tattoo that will cover part of my chest, shoulder and arm. Something I had been thinking for years, but not allowed myself to do it until I deserve it. 

In conclusion, once I was able to graduate from Uni I was tremendously happy, a feeling that would last me several years. Waking up in the mornings without having that big pressure on me. A weight I carried for very long, now transformed into a feeling of freedom.  

Truth be told, I haven't used much my degree as a engineer. But the confidence I feel by remembering that victory, makes me feel limitless, and that's simply priceless. 
A few years after having graduated; obtaining many powerful experiences, important lessons, more difficulties, hard work, investments and opportunities. I believe the single most important lesson came from that very powerful victory. 

I invite you to reflect on what has been that big adversity you have been able to face and overcome? A family challenge? Illness? An important objective? Rising your children? Everything counts as long as it was a difficult challenge. Then, make sure, in some way, you keep this in mind and constantly celebrate it. I do it every time I see my tattoo on the mirror. It is just a reminder of what we are capable of. Are you currently committed to activities that challenge your real potential? 

Please share your comments if you wish. What has been that big challenge in your life? How did you face it and what did you learn? 


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