Be aware of the MONKEY Mind

I had a 3 days without audio books/ podcasts experiment.

That time was enough to realize it is so hard to keep our minds out of distractions when we don't focus on something. 

When your brain is unoccupied, the MONKEY mind takes the control. This is a concept (that I like very much) from the book "Innercise" from Jonh Assaraf. The monkey is just jumping everywhere, engaging in any distraction, driving the ship with no clear direction. That's the monkey mind, in other words, when we let our mind over think negative situations that only gets us in a bad mood, when we let worries be the center of attention, when we get distracted on the phone, TV or activities that don't add value to ourselves. 

By doing this experiment I realized how difficult it's to don't let the monkey mind take control when our brains are not feeded. The best way to get out of that loop (the one in which you're thinking and thinking about a negative situation that gets you worried) is to FEED YOUR Brain. It means, to let some new information attract the brain, read a new article, watch a documentary, get into a course of your selection, try a new sport, dance or activity, etc. Our brains need that input so we can re calibrate our focus and do the activities that add more value to ourselves. 

Humans have on average between 60 and 80 thousand thoughts per day. 90% of them are usually the same as the day before. What type of thoughts do you want for your mind? 

Avoiding the MONKEY Mind is a difficult challenge, please make sure you are FEEDING THE Brain with the right stuff. 


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