Don't let Creativity die

Do activities that give you energy. Stay with people that give you energy. 

Have felt exhausted after meeting a person or working a long day? Have you felt energized after meeting another person and an activity that you enjoy?

People and activities can be either energy takers or energy givers. 

First, be aware of what activities and people take energy from you. You recognized because after meeting these people you feel drained, tyred, not in a positive mood. Same with the activities if you feel excess of stress, upset, bored.

Secondly, avoid at all cost those people and activities that take energy from you. Recognize those other people and activities that, in contrast, after meeting that person you feel pumped, excited, with so much energy. Same for the activities, have you ever felt energized after a day of work? If it's an activity that gives you energy and keeps you motivated, then, that should be the rule. To feel even more energized and excited as a result of those activities that you do during the day.

Moderate exercise is always an activity that gives you energy. 


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