
Showing posts from July, 2022

Is that true? method

Ask yourself several times: Is that true? Whenever you are giving explanations to yourself about your own behaviours. Some people use this method asking to themselves even 5 or 7 times: Is that true? To get to the roots. 

Todos tenemos un don

Hay gente que se va de este mundo sin nunca haberse dado cuenta cual fué y como ejercitarlo. 

Who is living the life that you would like to be living?

Can you identify anyone? Go find it. Then you'll have a clear example to follow and make your process better to get there.

Get yourself comfortable doing the hard things

Once the easy ones come you'll be surprised at how much you can achieve. 

Let yourself get motivated by the content that you want

It implies you should be aware, do research, self reflection, and know what is that content that most encourages you to pursue those great things that inspire you.