Asking to partner/ friends/ family for feedback with an open mind

What do I do well in the relationship? What could I do to make it even better?

I terms of values, principles, what is it that comes first to your mind when thinking of me?

What do you think might be my best strength? 
Which skill do you think would cause a good impact on me if I improve at it?


Who knows us best? Our partner, friends and family. Often, they know things about our behavior that we don't know or acknowledge the impact.

Asking for honest feedback with an open mind can be a great help to 1) Acknowledged that which we do well, and 2) Know what can be improved. All of that from an outside view, which through reflection with internal views can be adjusted. 

Real example:
Today I asked my partner if she thinks I would be a good leader. Then, later ask why I would be a good leader, and also what I could improve to get there.

I got two lessons out of this: 

1) I can improve in the way I communicate when talking. Going STRAIGHT to the POINT migh help as I tend to extend too much when communicating an idea and a good part of the time people lose interest along the way.

2) She took the time to think about it to provide a honest answer and also had the opportunity to tell me something she knew I can improve on but didn't say so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable or lose confidence. It really works to ask for honest feedback with an open mind. 


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