Awesome example to teach a kid work ethics from an early age

For this example, I'll take the experience described by Will Smith in his autobiographical book.

When Will was 8 and his brother 10, his father told them to build a wall which would help in the backside of their shop. 
(Forgive me I forgot the details of the story, but the lesson remain with me) 

Will and his brother would go everyday during over a year to work on that wall (for some reason it took a lot of work for a kid, and speacially time). Will's father would come every once in a while to monitor and then leave.

Will and his brother finally finished that wall after what might look like an eternity for a kid. They finished it. 

I know my description is not nearly as good as Will describes it in the book, but there is a really good lesson. 

Kids who involve in a task which takes them very long, meaning, they need to work on it for a long period of time, will benefit for life. Creating an early powerful work ethic, discipline, motivation, patience, work vs reward, concentration, focus, compound efect, being able to influence their environment, capacity for creation, curiosity, and more.

That early experience Will Smith had equipped him well to keep evolving a very impressive work ethic culture which allowed him to deep success. 

Would have it been better if Will Smith's father made the wall for them so it would get done faster? No, and that's the main mistake many parents often do. Let the kids figure it out on their own, and you'll be surprise how far they might come once they keep building those skills.

Provide kids with long/ consuming/ focus/ time tasks as a way to help them develop skills. 


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