I'm happy I studied Engineering even though I don't see myself working as an engineer. Does it make sense? Personal reflection
I am very happy I studied Engineering,
Not necessarily because I want to work as an engineer, but
Because I highly appreciate Thinking Like and Engineer,
The logical skills learnt, natural curiosity to understand how things work, discipline, resilience, overcoming frustration,
So, even though I don't see myself working as a pure engineer, Thinking Like an Engineer provides me with a view of the world which I can bring to other areas of life, and therefore obtain a personal advantage having lateral thinking across disciplines.
Even though I don't see myself working as a pure engineer, I wouldn't change my studies, because there I learnt the skills that I most value nowadays, which are the spine of my thinking, which I also believe gives me an edge when approaching opportunities and complementing it with other bodies of knowledge.
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