The brain is a super powerful thing, specially when We sleep & Wake up

Don't waste this super power. Before to sleep, REFLECT about your day. REVIEW your personal goals /objectives. Be THANKFUL. 

The last images and thoughts at night before we sleep are very important for the brain. Why? Because the brain keeps wandering about it while sleeping. 

It is similar in the morning. The first thoughts and activities we do once waking up have a lasting effect during the whole day. 

Please don't check your phone straight away after waking up 🙏🏼. Why? Because you don't know what you might find there, a work email, messages, negative news... Instead, choose to have input from something uplifting and inspiring, music, thinking of dreams, exercise. 

The impact of this will last for the whole day.

Book, Why we sleep, by Matthew Walker. 


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