
Showing posts from March, 2023

One week in Bali

 It is amazing to visit and see different cultures from what we are used to (different from western type cultures). One can see how western cultures highly value money, work and status, while other alternative cultures probably value more religion and spiritual practices. Which might be better? Living comfortably with material things or comfortably aligned spiritually? Perhaps both are important and a good balance might be the best option. Some of the things learnt in Bali: They drive on the left like Australia, UK and many other countries. The streets are very narrow and they have special cars that less wide than average to fit in the streets including buses. The public transport is almost non existent and most people move around by either taxi or renting a scooter which price is around $8 AUD per day. The Balinese people are very religious and religion plays an important part of every day with specific rituals. For example, every morning Balinese Hinduism people (85% of their populat

Trick to chemically (and naturally) maintain high motivation to achieve goals

Motivation (as most things) goes up and down. The real trick on achieving an objective: 1) Identifying what is your source of motivation, 2) Use triggers to constantly remind you of that feeling which fills you with excitement. More scientific and chemical explanation: In the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, he identifies 3 parts in a Habit: The trigger (which reminds you of the feeling that excites you), the action itself and the reward (the feeling afterwards). Therefore, the step number 1 to maintain motivation high is by keeping triggers around that remind you of the feeling that motivates you.  There are a few chemicals activated in our brain when we feel motivated, mainly Dopamine. That's what we are trying to activate in natural ways, with Triggers of the feeling that motivates us. Examples: Tom Bilye, founder of Quest nutrition and Impact Theory, says how he got sick of his previous job and started Quest nutrition, using as a trigger and source of motivation his m

What's your art?

Painting, writing, drawing, playing instruments, singing, acting, dancing, reading, telling stories, reflecting, analysing, listening to others, doing sports/ Gym, programing, helping, taking care of children, teaching,... What's your art? Let it fuel your life with motivation and share your art with the world. We tend to think all those are just hobbies, but the truth is that there are many other people interested in similar things than us. Two healthy ways of sharing your art: 1) Use digital media to share / inspire / teach others what you know, joining or creating a community.  2) Advertise your areas of expertise and get a side income by teaching /coaching others to learn what you know. Morning reflections. Question in mind: What if we use half of our working week in the traditional job, and the other half in perfecting / sharing our arts with the world? Underlying benefit: A good personal health / motivation balance.