What's your art?

Painting, writing, drawing, playing instruments, singing, acting, dancing, reading, telling stories, reflecting, analysing, listening to others, doing sports/ Gym, programing, helping, taking care of children, teaching,... What's your art?

Let it fuel your life with motivation and share your art with the world. We tend to think all those are just hobbies, but the truth is that there are many other people interested in similar things than us. Two healthy ways of sharing your art:

1) Use digital media to share / inspire / teach others what you know, joining or creating a community. 

2) Advertise your areas of expertise and get a side income by teaching /coaching others to learn what you know.

Morning reflections. Question in mind: What if we use half of our working week in the traditional job, and the other half in perfecting / sharing our arts with the world?

Underlying benefit: A good personal health / motivation balance. 


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