
Showing posts from June, 2023

Nos moldeamos y construimos día a día

 La disciplina es un súper poder. 

What is FLOW?

The state of Flow is like getting high in a natural and positive way. Highly efficient people and high performance athletes learn how to master this state.  This is a state in which we are fully aligned and immerse in the activity, whether it is playing an instrument, dancing, writing, reading, designing, drawing, programming, solving a problem, you name it.  High performance athletes are often in this state so they can perform at their best. How do they do it? They train their mind and body to release dopamine naturally, this is achieved by effective habits such as good quality and quantity of sleep, a good diet, regular exercise, sun exposure, mind training, visualisation and positive thinking. When it is time to perform the activity the body and mind are ready to get fully immerse, ready to experience FLOW. How do you know if you have experienced Flow? You know it because there are no other thoughts in your mind, because the perception of time gets lost (could be 15 min or 50 min an

Who can I help / Who can I receive help from

This mindset gets us open to give help and the humility to accept we also need help.

Give love, attention, support, help

To those who appreciate it and are open to receive it.  Not everybody is open to receive it. Respect their position, give them space. Focus your energy on those who you can actually play an important role for. Be thankful and always open for future opportunities to show love, attention, support and help. But for now, Let Go and focus on what you can control. Book, Think like a Monk, Jay Shetty, chapter 1 “Let go”, chapter 4 “Give”.