Asking for help, the skill that no one taught me
No one taught me how to ask for help. I learnt how to aspire to be super man and do it all on my own, but no one taught me how to ask for help. Whether it’s for career purposes, personal, emotional, etc. Asking for help is one of the most difficult things to do.
Too many people are often copying with too much on their own, never asking for help, or only until things get unbearable.
Similar in career success, personal finances, partner relationship, and more. We settle for what we can achieve on our own ignoring that it’s only when we ask for help that things really get to the next level.
There is always someone probably more knowledgeable and expert in any topic, why not taking advantage of that and wanting to do all the long way?
This is one of my main difficulties and I’ll train this skill, perhaps asking for help in learning how to ask for help. 😊
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