The Addiction to mobile phones is real

The addiction to the mobile phone is real. We don’t notice it because it’s slowing increasing day after day and becomes a practice generally accepted to use the phone when we are bored, when we re busy, when we are alone, up to that point it was probably still okay, 

but now people use it when they are together, when in conversation, interrupting the flow of the face to face interaction, the focus, people lose social skills for listening to each other and engaging in the real face to face world.

What would you do if you had an entire extra month every year to use it in whatever you want?

Did you know 2 hours a day on social media, is the equivalent to a whole month of time every year?

It is funny until it’s not. 

Most people would agree using too much the phone (too often unnecessarily on social media or excessive typing) is not great. But, most people still do it. It’s funny until it’s not, until we realise (late) that we are actually losing our social skills and suddenly interacting with people is even more difficult, which makes us feel more lonely due to the lack of real human connection.

I hope it’s not just me who is worried about it. Anywhere I look there are people immersed im their phones. That was acceptable for me but now I see the same behaviour even while sharing time with other people and it becomes a personal fight when it’s my closest one’s presenting those behaviours. It makes me question a lot of things.

Am I doing the same?

Are they aware they probably have an addiction to the phone?

Aware of the cost it’s paid for that reason?

Solutions? No idea. I only know that the first step is to consciously know our screen time in activities that are not essential and to honestly reflect if that aligns with the person we would like to be, with our best self.

Day reflection about phone screen time spending. The phone is a super power, until we become addicted to it, depending on it. 

Love and connection will fight back 💪🏽❤️.


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