Finding my light again

Remember when you walk on the street upright, feeling like actually smiling at people or saying “hi”, and not surprisingly many people offer a smile back?

Remember when ideas were flowing in your mind? The inspiration and excitement of creating something, doing progress in a personal project, or just playing a sport with friends?

Whatever it is, my memory still hold the sensation, an internal feeling of joy. I’m fortunate I felt that a lot when being a kid, and growing up. And I bet, you and most people can remember moments like that.

Moments that stay in a precious part of our memories. The final game that we won in a tournament in the school. The project we did and spent many hour working on, which people were impressed about. The speech, music concert, or paintings we once made. And found out we were great at it.

That’s the light I talk about. Growing up tends to put all those awesome moments into just memories. I believe if we revisit some of those moments we will find our best selves in some of that. Remembering the feeling will surely help us as a guide to get more of that while adjusting our current conditions.

I thought I was doing great by trying to excel getting into one of the best Unis in a competitive degree and aiming at the most desirable jobs and companies to work too. Was I being the best of me while doing all of that? Not at all.

I was able to barely keep up among the best, but not working hard in my real strengths because I saw them as easy and natural to me, therefore I thought I needed to put a lot of effort and that’s why I was choosing the hard path always. There are so many awesome lessons from that. However, with some more reflection, long after, I realised I was postponing an appointment with myself.

An appointment to strengthen and give a real shot to what I feel more natural within my skill set. I postponed working on what I really have to offer. I was afraid of failing and therefore always chose what looked like the safe option so I wouldn’t risk losing. 

Giving a real shot at what we have to offer in this world. We all have a journey which we make day by day. I’m grateful for all the experiences that have shaped who I am. I’m sure you have had many experiences, learnings and even some hard ones. 

It’s time to keep the score under our own scale. Getting to this point has created a window of opportunity for me. I can finally have the space, time and focus, to create a new vision, one that includes my best and authentic self. 

One that reminds me of my own light, what it used to look like when I was a child, and what it can become if I allow it to guide and light the way. I don’t have the answers but with small actions day by day, it just feels right. Things start to align and all it’s needed is consistency.

May the light within you guide your journey too, so we can offer this world, ourselves, family, friends, and more, the best version of ourselves, our gifts, our light .


The courage to acknowledge one’s light and follow it.


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