What’s wealth?

“Wealth is not what you have in your bank account. The ultimate wealth is what you wear on your face, it’s a smile”

I liked a lot that sentence from the book “Not a life coach” from James Smith, an English guy, personal trainer in the fitness industry, coach, who lived in Australia, travel in many other places, and has a book full of good advice which I’m enjoying a lot 😃🚶💭📖

Remember, what we put in our brain is what we get out. In other words, the quality of the information or content we consume on a daily basis, is what we get out in the form of thoughts, behaviours and emotions.

So, choose wisely what you decide to watch, read, do, because it will ultimately show up in our lives in one way or another.

Anyway, I liked a lot the idea that real wealth is an internal sense of joy and fulfilment which ultimately makes us have a smile on the face.

Sergio, morning meditation while walking in the park and listening to the audiobook “Not a life coach” from James Smith.


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