Writing a book takes 10 years of dedicated study in specific a field

Yet, we neglect to read what some people have tried their best to consolidate from their experience, reflection and study.

Why is it that we don’t seem so keen on receiving knowledge when others have tried their best on consolidating it for us?

I don’t know the answer, I guess it requires that the recipient of it has the skill to read, enough focus and attention for it, plus an intrinsic motivation in whatever the topic is. Each person might be in their own stage of life, sometimes more appropriate for reading, sometimes not. And many times, it’s just unknown the power it could have.

Bottom line, reading is good, really! Bottom line two, some day I would like to write a book, I have around 6 years time by now, of dedicated study in the topics I like, I don’t think it makes me an expert, it just made me realise that anyone daring to write a book, needs to have a message and something to say, it sure takes effort and my initial guess is that it might be around 10 years of dedicated work, study, reflection, in a specific topic to write something interesting.


Reflection, what it takes to write a book worth reading.


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