
Showing posts from September, 2024

What is your true nature?

“The happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it” Ray Dalio, book Principles. So, it’s not really about how much we accomplish, it’s about learning about ourselves, what is our nature, that means, what we enjoy doing and are good at. That’s our nature. Once having a better idea about our nature, then narrowing it down to create a life style around it. Sounds simple but so profound. Really, like many other great quotes. (i.e. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”). So, according to that quote, knowing one’s nature is a very good step toward happiness. And then, figuring out the way to live a lifestyle around the application of those skills/ attributes in our nature. Therefore, Self awareness is a clear path to happiness.  And after that, Courage, and perseverance, to integrate our nature as the cornerstone of our lifestyle. I like that. For some, it was probably easier to know their nature. For others, it was probably an idea, but nothing to k

Mobile phones: a tool for learning and creating? Or for unlimited distraction?

Mobile phones are useful to us when we have a specific activity to do with them. Other than that, they are just distracting machines that suck out the free time from people and provides false dopamine. Sure there are many ways to go through this topic, but I’ll focus only on one: we are better when we create than when we consume. Most people use their phones to consume content, and not to create it. I’m not against mobile phones, I use it every single day too. It’s not the tool, it’s how we use it.  Also, it’s good to ask ourselves: who is benefiting from us consuming content in our phones all the time? It’s certainly not happening by itself.  Who are the developers of those technologies? What are their interests? Who are the investors? How are the politics and finances involved?  What’s the new way of life? Are we happy with it? It’s certainly hard to see kids without screens, why?  Anyway, I’m extending myself from the main idea: mobile phones are good when we have a clear purpose fo