
Showing posts from November, 2022

Achieve success first, then be happy / or be happy first, then achieve success?

Trying to achieve success might bring happiness in the long run (but not always).  Doing the things that make us happier actuality has more chances to help us achieve success. From "Solve for Happy" book by Mo Gawdat. 

Get busy with the right things

Maximize your wellbeing. Identify and put more effort on those activities that provide real wellbeing. Stop or change those ones that bring you back or help too little. Same for relationships. Beware of toxic people who drain your energy. Share more with those ones who make you feel more energetic. 

Los límites nos los ponemos nosotros

Have you tried again that thing that was important for you but that you thought you didn't a chance? Just try again. Redefine your own limits. 

6:37 am, the train departs at 6:38 am

Running the last two blocks to see if I can get the train in the 30 seconds left? Or waiting 8 more minutes in the cold weather for the next train? I calculated my chances of getting in the train as 30%, having a 70% against me and then losing the effort running. Inmediatamente, me empecé a decir a mi mismo en mi mente "No lo voy a alcanzar, no lo voy a alcanzar,..." a pesar de que mi cuerpo ya estaba en movimiento y listo para correr. I realized about it and inmediately changed my self talk for "I will take this train, I will take this train,...", that changed everything, I ran with more will, and guess what?  I got late to the train, but the guy in the train decided to wait a little bit for me and I got in. This is a simple situation, but it clearly shows me how important is our self talk. How important it is to align our mind with our body and purpose. If we believe, the world will conspire, nature, people, God, will help us get to the destiny we believe we shoul