
Showing posts from September, 2021

Reading/listening technique to understand and communicate in a different language

I wrote it in Spanish and made a post in Facebook as a way to encourage people to improve their reading /listening and communication skills in English.  Hola amigos!  Les dejo esta reflexión sobre una de las técnicas que más me ayudó a entender/ comunicarme en inglés.  Hace unos años recibí el consejo de un amigo, el me dijo que cuando empezó a leer libros en inglés, el nunca se detenía a traducir palabras o leer dos veces la misma oración. El simplemente continuaba hasta el final tratando de entender lo máximo que pudiera hasta terminar el libro así no entendiera mucho.  Yo llevaba como 10 años tratando de leer libros en inglés, pero lo máximo que logré fue leer unas 4 páginas por mucho. Motivado al ver mi amigo hablando muy bien en inglés, empecé a leer un libro. Seguí el consejo que me dió al pie de la letra y después de 4 semanas terminé el libro. Solo entendí cerca del 30%, no mucho, pero suficiente para tener una idea general de la historia. Entendiera o no entendiera, poder lleg

Fixing my eating habits is finally helping me to use my time more proactively

It's been around four weeks since I started my 30 day food commitment. I believe there are several positive aspects of doing this such us: the value of doing something difficult (it was a difficult thing to do for me since I struggle with eating snacks and eating too much), gaining self-respect and confidence, plus other benefits that research shows come with intermittent fasting. This note is mostly about one positive side effect which I have only come to realize now. My time is now much more productive, my thoughts and mental energy related to food has gone from and 90% to a 30%, I only think of food just when I'm going to actually eat and it's already part of some different food I have previously selected, so there is not so much to think about and it's food I enjoy very much eating. My big realization is that: whenever I felt tired, faced with a challenge or even bored, my first reaction was always to look for something to eat. Apparently, it was just an automatic r

Having a journal to be thankful can probably be the single most important tool for happiness

I have been doing the experiment of writing thankful thoughts in a notebook every morning once I wake up and sometimes at the end of the day. I started since one month ago, I just did it a few days during the first two weeks, then in the third week I did it almost everyday, and now, in my fourth week, I haven't missed a day and some days I do it both in the morning and night before to sleep. I just wrote about this experience today because I was able to notice how much difference it makes to do this first thing in the morning once I wake up. I realized about the power of having thankfulness journal and it just came to my mind with total conviction that: Having a journal to be thankful can probably be the single most important tool for happiness. It's just incredible, I heard about it many times in different books, especially in "the resilience project: finding happiness through Gratitud, Empathy & Mindfulness" which is a really good book, among other good ones tha

Don't let Creativity die

Do activities that give you energy. Stay with people that give you energy.  Have felt exhausted after meeting a person or working a long day? Have you felt energized after meeting another person and an activity that you enjoy? People and activities can be either energy takers or energy givers.  First, be aware of what activities and people take energy from you. You recognized because after meeting these people you feel drained, tyred, not in a positive mood. Same with the activities if you feel excess of stress, upset, bored. Secondly, avoid at all cost those people and activities that take energy from you. Recognize those other people and activities that, in contrast, after meeting that person you feel pumped, excited, with so much energy. Same for the activities, have you ever felt energized after a day of work? If it's an activity that gives you energy and keeps you motivated, then, that should be the rule. To feel even more energized and excited as a result of those activities

Follow energy ⚡

Do activities that give you energy. Stay with people that give you energy.  Have felt exhausted after meeting a person or working a long day? Have you felt energized after meeting another person and an activity that you enjoy? People and activities can be either energy takers or energy givers.  First, be aware of what activities and people take energy from you. You recognized because after meeting these people you feel drained, tyred, not in a positive mood. Same with the activities if you feel excess of stress, upset, bored. Secondly, avoid at all cost those people and activities that take energy from you. Recognize those other people and activities that, in contrast, after meeting that person you feel pumped, excited, with so much energy. Same for the activities, have you ever felt energized after a day of work? If it's an activity that gives you energy and keeps you motivated, then, that should be the rule. To feel even more energized and excited as a result of those activities

Always! Get moving after eating

Make sure to walk, ride the bike, go to the park, maybe study although it's better an activity in which you move the body.  Do not lie down or sleep 🚫 The gravity helps the digestion and maintain the gastric acids inside the stomach. It's being already over 5 times that I have been lazy after eating and decided to lie down in bed or in the couch. That's a bad idea. I had the feeling of having the food in the throat for over 20 hours. Not recommended. Make it a rule, after each and everyone of the meals to get moving. 

12 weeks COACHING commitment

To become the best life coach possible. How to do that? By reviewing all the material, selecting all the best tools. Enrolling into a coaching program, having a coach, getting some type of certificate, practicing with people, showing up, meaning: being consisten, being helpful. 

Report of progress 30 day stop food snacking habit

Hi there! Our 30 day food committmen is still going on 😃 This is day 12 and I would say I have sticked to it on about 83%, still pretty good in my opinion and I'm happy with the feeling. My stomach doesn't feel heavy all the time, normally after 6pm my body feels light. The sleep is good. I still battle in my mind to svood eating sometimes, particularly because I had the snacking habit as a reaction of different feelings, I guess I unconsciously associated eating with feeling good. The point is that now I struggle because if I don't snack, then I still need to find another activity.. Still figuring that out, but seeing the potential of introducing a good habit activity to cover that space, that would be like "passive energy income" 

Be aware of the MONKEY Mind

I had a 3 days without audio books/ podcasts experiment. That time was enough to realize it is so hard to keep our minds out of distractions when we don't focus on something.  When your brain is unoccupied, the MONKEY mind takes the control. This is a concept (that I like very much) from the book "Innercise" from Jonh Assaraf. The monkey is just jumping everywhere, engaging in any distraction, driving the ship with no clear direction. That's the monkey mind, in other words, when we let our mind over think negative situations that only gets us in a bad mood, when we let worries be the center of attention, when we get distracted on the phone, TV or activities that don't add value to ourselves.  By doing this experiment I realized how difficult it's to don't let the monkey mind take control when our brains are not feeded. The best way to get out of that loop (the one in which you're thinking and thinking about a negative situation that gets you worried) i