
Showing posts from August, 2022

Quitting is a skill

"Knowing when to quit is a skill" says Steven Bartlett in his book Happy Sexy Millionaire. There are two questions Steven asks himself before taking the decision: 1) Am I quitting because the job/activity is too challenging? 2) Is the reward worth the amount of effort? Then, if the job is hard but the reward is worth the effort, Steven doesn't quit.  Or, if the job is hard but the reward is not worth the effort, Steven quits and hopes to get involve in something worth the time and effort. Knowing when to quit and look for something better is a skill. 

Assuming one's responsibility is a lot more difficult than finding someone to blame.

Only when we are able to take ownership and responsibility we can really start working on it. 

The man on the arena concept

It comes from the old Roman, from when the gladiators were on the arena fithing to death against lions or other gladiators.  The man in the arena means the act that many other will be happy to critize, laugh, or wrongly advice you under certain circumstances, exactly because they are not the ones in the arena fithing to death. Be truth to yourself and follow your own instinct under difficult circumstances (as long as they are honorable). 

My views on happiness

Real happiness is making an effort for: Living below your means. Being grateful everyday. Practicing daily habits that impact your health positively. Having a middle long term reason / reasons to feel motivated or excited about. Listening to others as well as be able to be heard. Helping others as often as you can. Creating the mental strength to feel peaceful even under difficult circumstances. Practicing self awareness, it means, know yourself, know your values, principles, limits, strengths, weaknesses. Learning constantly. Being truth to yourself.  Those are my views on happiness after reading many books, experience and self-reflection.  Or in a more simple way as Mo Gawdat puts it in his book "Solve for Happy": Happines = Reality - Expectations 

Cual es la palabra que las personas más les encanta escuchar?

Su propio nombre. Book. How to win friends and influence people. Dale Carnegie 

On average, we listen about an idea some 7 times before we start considering, processing or acting in some specific way

It gets even more reinforced when it comes from different sources. (I know I got this from a book but I forgot which one) 

Achieving challenging goals is easier when we know someone who has done it

A veces las cosas parecen más fáciles/posibles cuando alguien que conocemos las hace. Ahí nos damos cuenta que sí se puede lograr. 

The price of anything is the amount of life you pay for it

By Henry David

Es interesante que primero le entra a uno el sueño de irse al extranjero, y después está el sueño de poder regresar 😂😂

Vision certificate

On a piece of paper, write yourself a Certificate of Achievement in that objective that you want, date it to some specific time in the future and hang it on the wall or somewhere you can see it everyday. Ejemplo: Voy a escribir en una hoja de papel a modo de certificado:  "Certificado de cumplimiento entregado a Sergio por su generosa contribución de 52 videos con valioso, educativo y motivador, contenido en YouTube.  Fecha: 19 Ago 2023" In this example, I'm giving myself a Certificate of Achievement with the statement of what my objective is with a specific date and I'm going to stick that on my closeth so I can see it everyday. This method is highly recommended by Lewis Howes in his book "The School of Greatness" and his podcast with the same name. Lewis recommends to choose time frames of 3 or 6 months.  What would be your Certificate of Achievement? 

Stay in the business long enough to figure it out

Aplica para cualquier propósito in life. No se retire, sigalo intentando tanto como sea necesario hasta que lo logre. Stay in the business long enough to figure it out. Tom Bylue, Impact Therory. 

Si toda la historia de la tierra se resumiera en un solo día

Las bacterias se habrían creado hacia las 6am como primera forma de vida. Los dinosaurios habrían estado en la tierra hacia las 11pm. Los primeros rastros de homosapiens estarían apareciendo a las 11:58pm. Siendo los últimos miles de años de avance de la humanidad no más de un segundo dentro de esa historia de la humanidad resumida en un día.  From "History of almost Everything" 

Más que tener respuestas, la clave está en

Saber qué preguntar.