
Showing posts from September, 2022

Sales matter just as much as profit

Don't tell them

Show them. If you believe you have a good idea and want to develop it, don't look for approval from others. Go ahead and show it is a good idea with a model, ptototipe or application. 

The best teachers are mistakes

It is from them that we learn the most. Nelson Santiago

Learn to do the hard things

So when you do the normal things it will be just easy. 

You don't start a company with an idea

You start a company with a client. 

Self worth/ value/ appreciation is your capacity to walk away from a negotiation.

If you can't walk away from a negotiation, then you aren't negotiating.  James Altucher Book: Choose Yourself. 

Mapa de sueños

Escribir o dibujar en una hoja de papel el "mapa de sueños" eso quiere decir poner las metas y sueños que tenemos con las diferentes etapas, objetivos intermedios. Tenerlo en la billetera o algún lugar a la mano, con eso en un tiempo futuro se puede ver, analizar y ubicar/ajustar la dirección. 

The best way to become an expert in a topic is by

Teaching it. And being able to discuss it with someone. 

Attention is one of the most valuable currencies /resources /gifts we can provide others with

And most humans crave attention. Children are happy when you give them attention.  Generally, a person feels well when he/she has someone else's attention.  Attention is so valuable and we can all provide this resource to people and couses we desire. Just a reminder to provide those beloved ones with attention. It often is more valuable than even expensive gifts. Children might grow up better having a good amount of attention from their parents. We can be better sons/daughters by roviding some of our attention to parents. And safe for a partner. Attention is one of our most valuable resources and it's limited. Let's use it wisely. 

Everything comes from mental models

The meaning of money is a collective mental model because paper itself doesn't have that much value. It's what it represents which has value, and that comes from a collective mental model. Overcoming obstacles and achieving objectives is supported by the quality of the mental models we use. And to have good quality mental models firstly, we need to know ourselves or the organization the best we can and then start making experiments and recording results until we get closer to where we want to be. Mental models.  Example: I want to run more often. Then, identify what's the motivation behind and put in place mental models to support that goal. Helping the unconscious mind might help by placing the running shoes in a visible place plus a picture or message which summarizes the motivation. Let's say, running a half marathon. Then writing a 21K in a visible place in your room. That system would help to get you started joining the motivation with the trigger (running shoes) a

Anchor point concept

Consiste un hacer que una de las opciones haga ver más atractiva las otras. Example: If I'm selling a product, let's say candles for $35 each, then I can offer another one, let's say Extra luxurious candle for $95. My real intention is not to sell many of the expensive ones of $95, but by offering that one, it will make the other one of $35 look a lot more attractive and at a good price because I'm setting a higher anchor point. 

The re-framing technique

I'm not goog at personal finances vs  I could improve my skill in personal finances 

When we think about resources we tend to first think about money and time, there is a third one very important

Often not recognized that quickly, and it is Flexibility. I saw that in a book, and that was a powerful idea for me, now I think about my choices not only in terms of time, money, but also flexibility. How the conditions adapt to your case especifically. 

Is your phones' screen helping your goals?

I think this is a method from Jim's Kwick book. He proposes, the screen in our phones works in our subconscious mind. Do you put Facebook in your main screen and wander why you spend so much time in social media? The idea is to leave in the first main screen that which helps your goals and those things you want to reduce time spent put it in the third or fourth screen so you actually have to swipe and go there to find it.