
Showing posts from August, 2023

75% de los esfuerzos se van en tratar de definir cuál es el camino a seguir

Mientras que solo 25% se dedican a esfuerzos directos que generan el resultado deseado. Principio general que propongo con base en la observación.  Ejemplo: Encontrar el trabajo deseado, esto puede tardar tanto como nos demoremos en 1) saber en qué somos buenos y que nos gusta, 2) adquirir las habilidades/ certificaciones pertinentes, 3) entender cómo funciona el mundo laboral para hacer visible ese talento en los espacios proveedores de trabajo, 4) desarrollarse en el trabajo, ganar experiencia, ajustar la dirección y repetir el proceso. Para el ejemplo anterior, hay muchos pasos en ese proceso que no son visibles desde el principio pero que se llevan la mayor cantidad de esfuerzo no planeado. En conclusión, 1) definir el punto destino con claridad es vital, 2) y definir la estrategia para lograrlo.  Entender bien el problema a resolver y definir la estrategia permite reducir tiempos y esfuerzos en gran medida.

Knowing who we want to be / to become

Is more difficult than what it seems. Early in life we just follow school, parents, Uni, jobs, etc, not having good guided reflections on who we want to be / to become, and why, hopping that by doing the same everybody does it will fulfill us.  Why retirement is so hard on people? I believe it’s mostly due to spending a life of following that process without being intentional about Who we want to be / to become. I doubt that a person who has that clear would struggle with retirement for example. It’s not about dying slowly. It is about figuring out (the sooner the better) who we want to be / to become, therefore living intentionally every single day knowing that all efforts are directed towards something meaningful.  Spearing time for reflection is the best option. Looking for help on how to get started is a good option. The more we delay that the worse it gets, because time is the only currency we won’t have any change to get more of. So, don’t wait too long to reflect, and start dirg

Where is the human component going to be more relevant in an AI world?

If AI can create good text, can create good images and good video, what’s that thing that will make something special because it comes from a human? If we don’t value someone’s text (as in the past) because it probably came from an AI tool in which case it doesn’t require much time and effort.  If we don’t value an image because it is difficult to know if it was made by an AI or not, in which case it would be quick. I think what people value in the end is 1) the effort, 2) the skill. The problem is that it is difficult to know that just by looking at the end result. The difference will lie on 1) being able to know if that something was purely created with an AI,  2) how much effort the person put into it. I believe the only ways to verify that will be by 1) talking with the person to confirm their knowledge and expertise in the topic, 2) probably some new version of block chain to know what’s real, what comes from humans. What the role of humans in a time when AI take so many of the sk

Learning how to live with less

There must be important lessons on doing that at a personal level. Learning how to live with less, enjoying the simple and mundane. I believe a good percentage of happiness is found there. However, how many of us consciously decide to live using less, just the necessary? I haven’t done it. It doesn’t seem an easy thing. Nevertheless, it could be hiding important findings.  Now, at a planetary level. This is a great challenge, so much so, that the future of humanity probably depends on that.  Will we humans learn how to live with less? Without all the comforts that petrol / carbon / gas energy provide us with? At least while we transition to clean energies and reform the global economic system for one that rewards life on earth / instead of the current one which devours life on earth? Sergio, living, thinking, reflecting, writing.