
Showing posts from August, 2021

I'm a slave of food

It makes me upset that I am snacking even when I have told myself I wouldn't.  It makes me feel regret and guilt.  The constant mental battle about eating or not eating is a difficult one. The brain sends signals to the stomach which starts preparing for eating, then, game over... It starts in the mind. The body just follows. Snacking is not even fun anymore. All my mind focuses while eating is about the next snack. Even before to finish the first one.  Thinking about food the whole day and having those mental battles is a great waste of energy.  I once did with a friend a 21 day fasting, it consisted on having only one meal a day for 21 days while praying with some particular purpose.  I did it, mostly, there were just a few days I ate twice a day.  I have to admit that, as crazy as this idea sounded in the beginning, I have never felt that freedom before. The freedom of removing food from my mind. I was able to use those 1 to 2 hours I normally spent eating or preparing food in s

We are only as good and strong, as an adversity makes us

The title is a quote from Lewis Howes on his book "The School of Greatness" What is the most difficult thing you have ever done? Mine was being able to graduate as a engineer from a very good university. It took me 6.5 years (which should have been 5, but it's not too bad considering that only the 3% of those who apply are actually able to graduate). I had emotional academic crisis every semester as the challenges of approving the subjects just seemed tremendously hard. I wasn't even sure I wanted to be an engineer, but the challenge of some day, being able to be part of that selected group of graduates was enough to keep me on board. That and being surrounded by very talented people.  After nearly failing 3 subjects in my very first semester, and not certainly looking easier for the next ones, those 6.5 years felt  like a very, very long time.  I will never forget the happiest moment in my life. Yes, it was the day I was told I would be able to graduate. That same da

Do you make your bed in the mornings?

"If you can't do the small things right, you will never do the big things right " The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes' book.

Taking decisions under the feeling of worry

Remember that our brain is a really smart machine. When facing a difficult situation (if it's not urgent, which is most of the time) slow down, you have time. Our final decision will be better just by keep doing our normal activities, and remembering about it in intervals, forget, remember, forget, remember,... Then at some point, within 24 hours (more or less) our understanding of the situation gets to around 80-90%.  It gets even more clear after a nap, or a night of sleep. Worrying and overthinking will only make the process slower and confusing. It causes some areas of the brain stop working as usual, limiting the brain capacity to just a portion of its normal state. Important considerations: * By answering / reacting / taking decisions too quickly, it can cause you regret, damage in relationships and obtaining a poor outcome.  * Solve it by yourself if you can. Otherwise, take advice only from people who fully understand the situation and have successfully solved similar situa

Lives' lessons into just hours

This is really incredible. Just imagine it. Having the advice from your idols. Years of experience. And not only common lives. For them, to be able to even write a book, publish it (many of them best selling books). It takes great effort from their side, often years, to be able to put the words together to convey a powerful concept, which comes from many years of their own experience. That's just incredible to me and I'm so grateful we have the opportunity to really use the advance in technology in positive ways. Ok, so, there are masters around the world, who want to share their life lessons/ powerful messages condensed in pieces of paper, or waves (sound), audio books in this case, that comes into my ears. It could make rich of more if you want, but most importantly, it could make me a better person. So why is it that, even though they are somewhere there available, we still don't read them, we don't have 8 hrs of time to hear what it took 10, 20, 30 years to learn fo

First post - The WHY

3 years ago I read my first book in English. I only understood some 40% of the words written in it, enough to understand the story of the book.  What I didn't expect was the sensation I had once it was finished. Ohh my God, I read it! (I've been trying to do that for some 10 years) I felt unstoppable.  I realized, it was possible, that gave me souch joy that I wanted more of that feeling. I continued reading books until my understanding got to a 70% - 80%.  At some point, a friend of mine introduced me to audio books. That was my second relevation, I could go from spending one month reading a book to spending only 6 to 10 hours listening an audio book in only one week!  Suddenly, my main barriers disappeared, I was able to read a whole book in English and it didn't have to take too long. That very day, I decided that if very successful people can read one book a week, some 52 books a year, even with their busy lives, I might well try and have a go.  I committed myself to th