
Showing posts from December, 2022

Emails written in 3 sentences max

Keep the bodies of emails down to 3 sentences maximum. Long messages discourage busy people from reading it. Book, Do more faster, by David Cohen. 

Seeking the Flow state

In the morning, after a good morning routine. From 8am to 1pm while fasting in the morning. That's the best time to be in the flow state. That according to Robin Sharma, author of "the 5am club" and "the monk who sold his ferrary". Robin Sharma also indicated he wrote the book while fasting in the mornings and in that flow state of mind. 

Improving students motivation by recording/ saving efficiently their work through the years creating a CAREER FOLDER

Students lose motivation because every time the year begins, or the new semester we completely forget about what happened in the previous one. I believe one way to highly strengthen students career is by helping students somehow NOT JUST recording their grades, which alone don't say much because they have been given in a subjective way for a teacher and also it varies from one institution to another. For example, 60 out of a 100 would be not a good grade for an easy class, but maybe 60 out of a 100 would be a good result if it was with a very tough teacher where most students usually fail the subject. Therefore, grades alone don't really say much and are not necessarily a reflection of the student's performance.  What would be really useful, is if students could create and update their CAREER FOLDER with their art, projects, videos, presentations, articles, as they do it year by year during the school, and continuing it during the UNIVERSITY. Students should have total auto

Learning French day 49, update

Strategie #1.  Using the pdf of the book "Learn French with Paul Noble" and resuming it into 10 grammar lessons.  Tactics: - Recording each lesson into a 2 or 3 minutes episodes of podcast (as a way of maintaining the motivation). - Writing main lessons on papers and sticking it to the wall in the leaving room (to see it constantly and help my unconscious maintain it in mind always). - Re-writing the lessons in the description of the episode when posting it in the podcast. - Listening to my own podcast episodes while looking at the notes on the wall. It usually took around 22 minutes to listen to the 10 episodes.  Duration: The last lesson was completed on the Day 20. AMOUNT of hours of study: 18 hours of effective studying. How often: Four times a week on average. Strategy #2.  Using Duolingo. Description: It seems very useful even though I haven't been back. I did it for a total of 8 days and using two hours of wfective studying. Main reason for stopping: using Duolingo

Understanding body injuries due to physical activity

Thanks to two recent injuries, one twisting the ankle and the other one a muscle tear. Similar patterns can be observed. The injury typically occurs in TWO key moments. 1) When the first impact, over extention of a muscle or first signs of injury occurs. (Then we are unsure how severe the injury is and we decide we can go ahead doing sports perhaps to be ready for a final or an important day).  2) The actual injury. For failing to rest in the right moment.  Due to continue doing intense physical activity, the muscle has now a 40% to 70% risk of injury. MAIN LESSON: If learning how to identify the right moment to rest and recover, then the actual injury could be avoided and the times of recovery could be just around 30% or 40% than in the case of more severe injury. Extra lesson: - Be smart. If there are already conditions which worsen the likelihood for injury, just don't make it worse and rest. For example, not having a good night of 8 hours sleep. Having drunk alcohol or feeling

To win high performance soccer games

BEFORE STARTING Arriving early Warming up well (arriving running to the place for 15 min)  Using ankle support (or any support if you have an injury)  Using shoes with ankle support, and for running (probably that helps)  Not eating in the 3 or 4 hours before playing (because your muscles will contract and tighten during the game so the food will try to go up through your troath and possibly wanting to vomit, also because the stomach wil be using energy of the body for digestion. Digestion in the stomach takes between 4-6 horas depending on the food and it is s done better while resting or just walking).  Having done poo and pee that day before the game so you don't carry unnecessary weight and the body is more smooth.  Hidrate well in the hours before the game.  Help the goalkeeper warm up, that's the player who is not running during the game, therefore the most likely to make costly mistakes in the beginning of the game.  Provide a message of encouragement to team members 3 o

Team sports: Key success factors

Which one is better for team sports? 1) Having more rest during the week, then arriving on Monday for the "soccer game" and play. Or 2) Running pushing the limits on Saturday with the risk of being probably still sore on Monday? According to my experience, I did the first option for a couple of months as I wanted to be "more rested for the game", always feeling at the e d of the games that I could have done more and give more. I just implemented the second option for nearly a month and I have to say the second option is the winner one. I'm still trying to find the explanations, so far my main observation is that by pushing to the limits running 5km on Saturdays in 20 minutes, when the body is asking to slow down or giving up, the mine needs to take control, maintain the rithm, breathing and give that last reserve of energy available. By doing this, that's exactly what happens on a soccer game St some point when the intensity is high and many players are tire

Taking notes with pen and paper, or directly in the computer before writing and essay / report / analysis / article?

Writing an essay or document. Recommendation of process: take notes directly in the computer (on a block notes or word page).  For 2 reasons: 1) it will facilitate to write, copy and expand some ideas, 2) by moving the fingers on the keyboard and writing about the topic, the body is doing the same physical activity that when writing the actual report / essay /article / analysis.  Writing on pen and paper would be useful to draw an structure of the whole writing to keep as mental image. Apart from that, written in the computer is better to facilitate the flow and save time.  (Personal observation from experiments and applying concepts from brain / body working processes)