
Showing posts from October, 2022

Leer más libros y practicar más inglés

Buenas mi gente! Reflexiones de lo escuchado en podcasts de Founders by Platzi en Spotify: - Estamos en la misma zona horaria del país con la economía más poderosa del mundo (eso es una ventaja)  - Hay muy buenos emprendimientos nacionales pero la barrera principal para escalarlos sigue siendo el idioma Freddy indica en su artículo de Forbes cómo romper el ciclo de la pobreza en América Latina (toma de 5 a 10 generaciones salir de la pobreza) e indica las 5 iniciativas que nos pueden ayudar bastante a progresar como región:     1. Seguridad alimentaria     2.Pasión por leer     3.Computación accesible con Internet      4.Una alternativa a la escuela secundaria      5.Practicar inglés  Hay varias de esas en las cuales sí tenemos control. En la medida en que le saquemos más tiempito a LEER libros y PRACTICAR ingles, estamos mejorando nuestras skills y ayudando todos juntos a halar para el mismo lado.  Saludos 👋🏽 El artículo de Freddy Vega en el link

Learning French in 60 Days. Day 1

New challenge! Learning French in 60 days (while working, studying and doing other activities we humans usually keep busy with). Why 60 days? I'll finally meet in person my parents in law who are French and don't speak in English. This is the perfect time for an experiment of this type which will clearly indicate whether I learn it at a conversational level or not. Let the race begin! 💪🏽 I will provide updates about the strategy used and partial results. Starting point: I have previously done two efforts for learning French.  The first one, two years ago, was listening to the book "The Paul Noble method to learn French", totally recommend it. I was very committed studying it for one week. I had good progress but then I stopped, and there is very little I still remember from it. The second effort, five months ago, was listening to the duolingo podcast for learning French (totally recommended as well), there I listened to many real stories in French which had some bac

Transferring knowledge effectively

Transferring knowledge effectively is not that much in HOW a teacher teaches, it is more in HOW a teacher helps the student find the best way in which they learn. Encourage the student to PRODUCE, reflect, then monitor, give feedback. Fucusing not too much in the style for teaching, but in the student's PRODUCTION supported in inputs. 

The power of Breaking Down projects into small parts, then small part and so on until getting to very simple activities

I think we constantly tend to underestimate the power of Breaking Down objectives into small groups of tasks, then into smaller activities until getting close to something easy to do. There are some psychological implications and benefits from that view.  Example. I want to make my home country a better place. Big objective. How? Focusing on vulnerable communities. How? Proposing sustainable and environmental programs in which they generate an income to support their expenses and continue growing the initiative. Where? Research contemporary main issues for vulnerable communities in specific areas. What's their main issue? ....  ...  ..  .  After breaking it down so much until reaching something easier to digest and focus I might get something like this: - Spending 10 hours a week of effective studying of the water properties, sustainable business,..., in 3 months I should know enough to generate a report. - Then, continue those 10 hours weekly of studying to research and try to app

Try not to interrupt internal motivation in people

This is called: Overjustification effect  Replacing ones internal motivation for doing something for an external motivation (reward, pressure) to do it. It causes people to lose interest in the activity they initially were enjoying.  Example,  Helping a friend to buy groceries.  Vs Getting paid for buying groceries for a friend. 

Why Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, Sergey and Larry Page's, childrens are not allowed to use cell phones at an early age?

Well, sure they know something that most people don't about the influence of cellphones in kids. Or maybe people suspect it but decide not to take action, because there are not other well known better alternatives. 

Awesome example to teach a kid work ethics from an early age

For this example, I'll take the experience described by Will Smith in his autobiographical book. When Will was 8 and his brother 10, his father told them to build a wall which would help in the backside of their shop.  (Forgive me I forgot the details of the story, but the lesson remain with me)  Will and his brother would go everyday during over a year to work on that wall (for some reason it took a lot of work for a kid, and speacially time). Will's father would come every once in a while to monitor and then leave. Will and his brother finally finished that wall after what might look like an eternity for a kid. They finished it.  I know my description is not nearly as good as Will describes it in the book, but there is a really good lesson.  Kids who involve in a task which takes them very long, meaning, they need to work on it for a long period of time, will benefit for life. Creating an early powerful work ethic, discipline, motivation, patience, work vs reward, concentrati

How to find better answers

Do better questions 

Reflexionar después de atender a clase.

Reflexión. Una de las formas más efectivas de sintetizar aprendizaje es: Reflexionar.  Reflexionar al final de una lección/ clase/ lectura/ tarea/ ensayo: Qué me queda claro? Qué temas son interesantes para mí? De cuál me gustaría aprender más? En qué estoy de acuerdo? En qué no?  Qué no entendí? No sé me quedó nada en la mente? Por qué? Sé debe a mí?  La metodología de enseñanza se acopla a mi forma de aprendizaje?  De qué forma aprendo mejor yo? 

"Si quieres ir rápido, ve solo.

... Pero si quieres ir lejos, ve acompañado" Not sure, who the author is. 

I'm happy I studied Engineering even though I don't see myself working as an engineer. Does it make sense? Personal reflection

I am very happy I studied Engineering, Not necessarily because I want to work as an engineer, but Because I highly appreciate Thinking Like and Engineer, The logical skills learnt, natural curiosity to understand how things work, discipline, resilience, overcoming frustration, So, even though I don't see myself working as a pure engineer, Thinking Like an Engineer provides me with a view of the world which I can bring to other areas of life, and therefore obtain a personal advantage having lateral thinking across disciplines. Conclusion: Even though I don't see myself working as a pure engineer, I wouldn't change my studies, because there I learnt the skills that I most value nowadays, which are the spine of my thinking, which I also believe gives me an edge when approaching opportunities and complementing it with other bodies of knowledge. 

Asking to partner/ friends/ family for feedback with an open mind

What do I do well in the relationship? What could I do to make it even better? I terms of values, principles, what is it that comes first to your mind when thinking of me? What do you think might be my best strength?  Which skill do you think would cause a good impact on me if I improve at it? ASKING FOR FEEDBACK WITH AN OPEN MIND  Who knows us best? Our partner, friends and family. Often, they know things about our behavior that we don't know or acknowledge the impact. Asking for honest feedback with an open mind can be a great help to 1) Acknowledged that which we do well, and 2) Know what can be improved. All of that from an outside view, which through reflection with internal views can be adjusted.  Real example: Today I asked my partner if she thinks I would be a good leader. Then, later ask why I would be a good leader, and also what I could improve to get there. Outcome: I got two lessons out of this:  1) I can improve in the way I communicate when talking. Going STRAIGHT to

Speaking up when a situation seems unfair to you

It's often difficult, specially for shy people, but, how can others know there is something bothering you unless you say it? Find a good, respectful way to say it, written or verbal, whichever comes better for you. Chances are that the situation should either improve, or at least not get worst. Overtime, this practice will help shape your character. 

Beware of authoritative influencing people around you

Are you doing what you are doing because you are seeking approval and recognition from others? To meet someone else's expectations?  Or because it genuinely makes you feel motivated, energetic, excited? Beware of those close authoritative people around you, they probably mean well, care about you and want you to be safe, BUT, it doesn't mean they understand your feelings, emotions and aspirations. A good question here is: do they really hear you and interest on listening attentively to what you have to say?  Get clear. Clear about the why you are doing what you are doing. 

Skills stacking concept

Pick your fights carefully

Don't start one that you know you can't win, and don't do it if it's not worth the effort and the consecuences. On the other hand, do it if it's worth the effort, it aligns with your values and there are good chances to enjoy of future rewards.  But make sure it doesn't take too much mental capacity, Cost Opportunity. If not worth it, just use your mental energy and resources into better causes.