
Showing posts from January, 2023

You are what you do repeatedly


Quién tiende a sabotear nuestros sueños, metas y aspiraciones?

Son aquellos más cercanos de lo que nos imaginamos.., sí, empezando por nosotros mismos, y siguiendo por la pareja, amigos, papás, familia. Qué tan seguido esas personas cercanas realmente te ofrecen apoyo cuando compartes tus ideas y que quiz á   no están dentro de lo "normal"? No tan seguido como tal vez lo quisiéramos pensar, POR QUÉ? Lo hacen con mala intención? No, es u na tende ncia natural en las interacciones de grupo.  Papás tienden a sabotear nuevas ideas y metas porque ellos tienen un instinto natural de protección, por lo general estarán contentos si no experimentamos muchas cosas nuevas ya que eso implica que estaremos más seguros 😊.  Y amigos o pareja? Resulta que también pasa algo entre grupos y comunidades, hay una tendencia por tratar de estar al mismo nivel con aquellos en nuestro círculo cercano, y cada vez que alguien tiende a avanzar o tomar distancia del círculo, adivinen que es más fácil para poder mantenerse al mismo nivel con ellos, alcanzarlos al av

Give others your honest attention more often

People's attention is so valuable. In fact, so many companies compete all the time for our attention. From a different perspective, How often do you give your honest attention to: your partner, family, friends, people wanting to learn from you, others? Don't worry about gifts and material things (if they are not urgent), provide your honest attention to people and that alone will represent so much. 

The 10 seconds rule

That's what people spend looking at content before choosing something else or deciding they want to watch the video a bit longer / read the article a bit deeper. 10 seconds of attention. 

Better Done ✅

Than perfect ⚠️ It's better to get something Done and functional, than nothing at all because you were trying to make it "perfect". A personal project? A diet? A new habit? Don't think about it too much. Try, get it done quickly, use it, iterate and improve from there. 

People have on average 3-5 major breakdowns in their lives

Hope it helps to put things into perspective. It's not the end of the world and life is not against you. It's a fact, people suffer between 3-5 major breakdowns during their life time on average.  Not many talk about it openly and that's why when a major breakdown occurs, it is such a sorprise and emotions are very intense. You are not alone and it is just common in people's lives. Welcome to "being a human".  The real question is what do you do about it and how do you prepare for the next one? Yes, the next one, it's not if it happens, it's when it happens. What do you do about it and how do you prepare for it?

Anecdota (y tip)

Cuando estaba haciendo mi año 11 en el colegio, recuerdo que el profe de economía me dijo "SI compra dolares, en el mediano o largo plazo, eso le generará ganancias", no le entendí muy bien a qué se refería (de hecho, me ha tardado cerca de 10 años entender realmente a lo que se refería), El caso es que tenía como 200mil pesos ahorrados y decidí hacerle caso, fui a una casa de cambio (ahí el dólar estadounidense estaba por los 1900 pesos en 2010), y así de fácil, entregué un fajo de billetes de 2mil, 5mil y 10mil pesos, y recibí  un solo billete a cambio, uno de 100 dólares 😲 que susto, ahí iban los ahorros de un par de meses, me aseguré de que a ese billete no le fuera a pasar nada y no se fuera a perder.  Pasó cerca de 6 meses, y eso fue lo máximo que me pude aguantar, ahí no resistí mas la tentación, fui y cambié ese billete por pesos, me dieron cerca de 170 mil, resulta que el dólar americano no se había recuperado y además pagué los costos de transacción. No fue la mejo

Follow energy

Which activities make you feel more energetic? Which ones drain your energy? Focus more on the ones that give you energy and less in the ones that take the energy from you.  Rob Dyrdek, professional skater and entrepreneur. 

Before to ask

You need to give. (James Altucher, Tom Bilye, Lewis Howes and more people agree on this) 

Cuidado con el "síndrome del impostor"

Es descrito como la sensación de que uno no es lo suficientemente bueno, competente o capaz para asumir una posición con más responsibilidad, para proponer soluciones, y por tanto, es un "impostor", un fraude.  El síndrome del impostor nos detiene de tener la confianza para tomar roles de liderazgo, crear, promover, enseñar, desarrollar y explorar nuestro potencial. Referencia BBC website. "¿Qué es el síndrome del impostor y por qué lo sufre tanta gente?“. Disponible en <>

Keeping memories handy

Is a way of living more, celebrate milestones and appreciate the journey. Memories in the way of photos, videos, writings, drawings, art, hand made things, among others. 

Think by first principles

Do you enjoy thinking by first principles trying to connect causes with behaviours and results?  Thinking by first principles is a great thinking skill to have. The more information our brains are exposed to, the better connections our brains can make. In other words, the more experiences we have, the more books we read, the more people we meet and useful content we are exposed to, the better connections out brains can make to think by first principles and try to understand our world. 

Don't compromise your future too much..

You will regret it later when you feel 200% sure of doing something, but you can't because you have previously compromised your future too much.  That means: Stay healthy. Have savings. Avoid unnecessary debt. Committ to middle term goals (2-3 years at a time). Respect your own values and principles.  

"Lo más sostenible (costo/ beneficio) a largo plazo es

Hacer lo que te gusta" Adriana Urrego de Platzi. 

The new styles of life and work

 are making people more socially incompetent. 

Solo 20% de los concejos que nos dan se quedan presente en nuestra mente

Mientras que 80% de los concejos que damos se quedan presente en nuestra mente. 🤔

We can generate QR codes of website links

Search in Google Links to QR code Or QR generator 

People are more interested in learning how to do it themselves

Rather than knowing the facts and info. 

"Más vale poquito todos los dias

Que mucho de vez en cuando"

"Uno madura tanto

como conversaciones incómodas tiene" 🤔

"Tener una sola fuente de ingresos es incluso irresponsable"

Qué opinan?

Reflection about "Structural" issue in companies

Employees are not 100% of the time busy. There are some periods that are busier than others, that's just a fact. Should they be 100% of the time busy or what percentage is good?  If they are too busy, it will be overwhelming at some point.  If they are not busy enough, they will feel unproductive, missionless, not valued.  SOLUTION.  It's complex and there must be many factors to take into account such as holidays and sick leaves time.  Ideally (I think), companies should be clear about an actionable plan for the gap.  To relieve loads when they are 120%, and to complemented when they are 70 - 80%. Own observations. 

An employee needs to know there are more tasks awaiting for her/him after finishing the current one

Otherwise, that employee will drag the current task for a lot longer than needed. Own observation. 

You should expect new employees to perform tasks at 70% of what they are shown

A supervisor, manager, leader, should calculate new employees, followers to do things some 70% right of what they are taught. Therefore, if you teach the tasks with excellence, they will most likely be perform   not at am excellent way, but good enough to meet standards.  If you teach it just what would be good enough, most likely it would be perform 70% of what was taught, therefore it won't meet standards. Own observations. Sergio. 

Good leaders do things right from the beginning

and teach by example. 

How you do small things is how you do everything

Do you make your bed in the mornings? Everyday?  "If you can't do the small things right, you will never do the big things right " The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes' book. "One of the easiest and most important habits for happiness is making the bed in the mornings" Book, the Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. Do you make the bed in the mornings?  Try it. It will boost the rest of your day making you feel well about yourself and more comfortable in your own room. 

Don't measure victories being more competent than others at something

Measure it being more competent than yourself in previous attempts. Sergio. (Although a lot of people have said this in different ways). 

Just the action of writing doesn't take much long

It's the inspiration and the habit which take it. 

"Why?" method

Asking yourself "why?" and trying to provide an explanation, then ask yourself again "why?", and so on.  Some authors described it as the 7- layers deep. Or as an "onion", trying to peel it up to get to the essence, the root cause of it.

"Is it true?" method

When you have a thought, asking your self "is it true?" 

The rich are poor and the poor are rich / both are poor / or both are rich? 🤔

The most visible signs of poverty are not having access to basic physical needs, food, water and a home. The least visible signs of poverty are the not physical ones such as lack of motivation and drive. The "poor" in material things look all their life to acquire more material things usually being wealthy in love and motivation, but thinking that they are poor. The "wealthy" in material things tend to look for more material things thinking they  will be able to cover that internal poverty of lack of love and motivation. IN OTHER WORDS  The "poor" in material things go through life thinking they are poor but not knowing they are actually wealthy in love and motivation (which is more powerful than the accumulation of material things). And the "wealthy" go through life showing themselves to others as wealthy in love and motivation, but internally lacking love and motivation and trying to  fulfill their internal poverty with more material things. SO

Real wealth is

Motivation, drive and health.  Complemented with knowledge, experience, freedom of time and of choice. Sergio. 

No matter what you do. 1/3 of the people won't like you,

1/3 will like you, and 1/3 won't care.  So don't wait too long to start doing what you like, some will like it, some won't, and many won't care. It's a fact. 

Your best future clients are

your current clients. 

Our brain is not designed for

long term stress.

When you seek only for external rewards

that's when you are no longer in control. 

Gain control of your body by breathing

Tomar aire y soltarlo rápido repetidamente  = speed up heartbeat. Soltar aire despacio = slow down heartbeat. Book, The Wim Hof method, by Wim Hof. 

The most interesting subject we can study is


Respect your commitments

Doing difficult things gives us self-respect

And confidence for the next challenges.

Common answer for what is Greatness in The School of Greatness podcast show

Leaving everything on the field.

You are most likely to help people that identifies

with the person you once were. Rory Vaden. 

The life you live

are the lessons you teach. What lessons do you usually teach/ share?  Book, The 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins. 

An adult's external words

become an children's internal words. Book, The 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins. 

Build your personal brand

It is an asset. Personal branding is the future. It is highly profitable. It is the digitization of reputation. Find your uniqueness, so you can exploit it on the service of others.  Lessons from Rory Vaden in personal branding.  You are either going to educate, encourage or entertain.  People don't pay for information, they pay for organization and application.  Rory Vaden, from Brand Builders Group.

You need health to build wealth

Book, The school of Greatness, by Lewis Howes. 

Money comes when you are ready

Book, The school of Greatness, by Lewis Howes. 

If you want to achieve your goals

help other people achieve their goals

Putting numbers to the weeks of the year is a very very powerful practice for personal objectives

They are 52 weeks in a year, the same amount that a poker cards deck. Why? Because organising the year with 365 days is a too big number for anyone to keep accurate track of something. 12 months is a too small number. But 52 weeks is perfect!  52 weeks is a good number for a person to keep track of their plans. It allows people to be more responsible and accountable for their objectives. CEOs, managers and lots of successful people organises themselves on a weekly system. It works great for personal goals as well.  Please don't under estimate this tool. It has been a key principle to work towards objectives and maintain the motivation along the way. 

Creative note-taking

Write keywords, make drawings, put arrows, symbols, allow your mind to dream, make unconventional connections and visualize exiting possibilities of the world. 

Focus on the fundamentals

The rest will take care of itself 

Writing time-lines as a tool to refocus

Since birth? About professional experiences? About credentials obtained? About progress in a specific goal? About relevant moments in a relationship? About main lessons? About main challenges? You choose the topic.  Time-lines are great because they help us identify past relevant situations, locate where we are (our present) and recalibrate / refocus expectations for the future. 

Method to solve / find patterns in complex situations

Have a complex problem situation that stays in your mind? The harder you think the more confusing it gets?  Solving method. Write main topics and subtopics on a piece of paper in no specific order, only key words, no sentences. Keep doing it adding more as they come to your mind and finding relationships.  By the end you should be able to  recognize the main topics/areas, relationships, possibilities, impacts of actions, resources (time, money, effort, flexibility).  Things should look more clear now, what if it doesn't? Don't worry, you are providing your unconscious mind with the tools to find out the solution. It will most likely come to your mind within hours or next days. It happens a lot after waking up for example.  Does it sound to simple? Try it out. Simple things are the ones which usually work the best. 

Writing new ideas and reflections

Is a good practice for creativity and self-awareness. Book, choose yourself, by James Altucher. 

Una mente clara

alcanza la efectividad / resultados deseados utilizando sólo un 30% del tiempo.

A reflection about time, present, past and future

The present time. ⌚ Only the present matters because that's what we can really feel, see, smell, hear, interact with.  The future is important because it will be present at some point and we want to have a nice present at that moment.  The past is important because it shapes our present and all the thoughts that are in our mind, thoughs that remind us of who we are, what we are able to do and how to get the most of our present base on the experiences from our past. Reflection about time in a normal day while riding on the bycicle... 

Runway is

How long you can live from savings. How long can you live from savings? 

Live a life true to yourself

Or to keep up with other's expectations/ ego/ recognition? 🤔

Career capital is

Anything that helps to put you in a desire position in the future. It includes skills, connections, credentials, experiences, portfolio and runway.

Interesting concepts

Zero sum game. Desicion fatigue. Skills stacking.  Complementary skills.  Career capital.  Brain power.  Visualization complemented with action.  Will power.  Concepts from Steven Bartlett's book. 

Focus on progress

Not in the end result. 

Putting yourself in challenging situations

makes you stronger.  Don't be afraid to try new things. Flexibility and adaptability are valuable skills, especially during these rapid changing times. 

Be careful with being comfortable and complacent

You might forget what you wanted to achieve in first place...

The story. Your story. The highs. The lows. The sacrifices. The prize.

That's your scene as a person which people want to know and generates a feeling. Own your truth, be yourself, own who you are and start from there.

If you don't have a program for your mind

someone is going to program it for you... 

Why my eyes are more tired since I work from home?

The eyes have muscles and therefore we need to exercise them as well. Staying home also means that your eyes exercise less.  Doing daily commutes to work, meeting co-workers, being in big rooms, are all spaces in which the muscles in our eyes are constantly exercising. That doesn't happen when we are looking at an object (screen) right in front of your eyes continuously for over 8-10 hrs with no as many breaks as it should be.  How do the eyes get exercised?  They get exercised by: 1) looking at things at difference distances, 2) moving them up and down, left and right, or in circles, 3) looking at people in face to face meetings.  And the eyes need to get constant rest by: 1) Blinking more often, as we tend to blink a lot less while on the computer, 2) use 20-20-20 rule, looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.  Source of information.

5 exercises to rest eyes from computer

1) Blinking. People blink a lot less while working on a computer and the eyes dry out. Aim to blink once every 4 seconds. 2) Eye rolling. Close your eyelids and then roll your eyes around in circle. It helps to lubricate your eyes and strengthen the muscles in the eyes.  3) Visual scanning. Help your eyes adjust between objects near and far. Watch in very much detail to objects in your room which are at different distances. 4) Focusing. Do 20-20-20 rule. Look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes on the screen. 5) Glancing. Close your eyes, then look up as much as you can comfortably, then down. Open eyes. Then repeat now to the left and then to the right. Source if information:

20-20-20 rule to rest eyes from computer screen

This rule indicates to look at something 20 feet away (6 meters) for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes while working on a computer.

Those first things you do in the morning

Have an impact during the rest of the day. Make sure to get your mood right since the morning. 

Many people talk about anxiety

But few take time to think about the triggers and actions that activate that feeling. (Watching the phone when waking up? Why? Urgent messages that can't wait other 30 min? News of the world that need to be known right after waking up? Reading emails that get you pretty quick on the "worries" of the day?) All of those are some triggers of anxiety that can be stopped easily and have great positive impact. What to do instead? Wake up. Leave the phone in plane mode. Go out for a short walk, 15 min will be good. Breath fresh air. Listen to some calming music. Sing if you can. Take a cold shower to boost the energy levels of the body. Have breakfast or go to work as you normally do. Enjoy an awesome day. 

The best way to ensure a straight back

And a good posture is by exercising the muscles from the hips to the top. (arms, back, chest, abs, shoulders, neck) 

Most activities that bring happiness

Are in the present. Technique by Mo Gawda to focus on the present moment. To describe talking out loud everything visual around you. 

Real knowledge is

To know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius. 

Every person processes stress differently causing internal damage in organs and parts of the body

Some internalize it causing damage in the stomach, in the colon, gut, back, heart, brain, etc. What part of your body do you feel pain/ discomfort when you are in stressful situations? 

What is your gift?

Being aware of one's gift (natural skill) is more difficult than what it seems. The next question would be: How do you nurture your gift? And how do you put your gift at the service of others? SQ.