
What is your true nature?

“The happiest people discover their own nature and match their life to it” Ray Dalio, book Principles. So, it’s not really about how much we accomplish, it’s about learning about ourselves, what is our nature, that means, what we enjoy doing and are good at. That’s our nature. Once having a better idea about our nature, then narrowing it down to create a life style around it. Sounds simple but so profound. Really, like many other great quotes. (i.e. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”). So, according to that quote, knowing one’s nature is a very good step toward happiness. And then, figuring out the way to live a lifestyle around the application of those skills/ attributes in our nature. Therefore, Self awareness is a clear path to happiness.  And after that, Courage, and perseverance, to integrate our nature as the cornerstone of our lifestyle. I like that. For some, it was probably easier to know their nature. For others, it was probably an idea, but nothing to k

Mobile phones: a tool for learning and creating? Or for unlimited distraction?

Mobile phones are useful to us when we have a specific activity to do with them. Other than that, they are just distracting machines that suck out the free time from people and provides false dopamine. Sure there are many ways to go through this topic, but I’ll focus only on one: we are better when we create than when we consume. Most people use their phones to consume content, and not to create it. I’m not against mobile phones, I use it every single day too. It’s not the tool, it’s how we use it.  Also, it’s good to ask ourselves: who is benefiting from us consuming content in our phones all the time? It’s certainly not happening by itself.  Who are the developers of those technologies? What are their interests? Who are the investors? How are the politics and finances involved?  What’s the new way of life? Are we happy with it? It’s certainly hard to see kids without screens, why?  Anyway, I’m extending myself from the main idea: mobile phones are good when we have a clear purpose fo

Mindset, “What I have”, “What I don’t have”

All too often we keep repeating to ourselves in our mind the things we don’t have, or are not able to do. I believe a better way of seeing this would be, to constantly repeat in our minds what we actually have and what we are able to do. This reflection comes as I am recovering from a hip injury which is taking around 8 months so far and is expected to take longer.  I can see now that every time I focused on the things I was not able to do (such as playing the soccer tournament with my team, running, and sometimes feeling pain from just taking the stairs, or even walking), every time I focused on what I was not able to do my mind was filling with thoughts that didn’t serve me any good. I took an early decision of focusing in what I have, and what I can do. While probably soccer, running and jumping was not within my possibilities at the time, I was so glad I was still able to do cycling without much difficulty, and of course I could always have the opportunity to improve all type of sk

Nothing inspire us more than seeing people we know achieving what we wanted and thought not possible

Are there things you always wanted to do but the conditions were not good and you didn’t see it as viable? Did you ever saw a friend or someone you knew achieving that something? I bet at that point your way of seeing that something changed. Suddenly it went in our minds from not possible to possible haha. I know that feeling, I have seen it many times and that’s part of why I say nothing motivates us more than that. Just to remember a few times I’ve seen this pattern. I remember my older brother looking for the opportunities and doing all the process to go and pursue postgraduate studies overseas in a different language from our native language. That immediately expanded the limits of what I thought possible while growing up. If my brother did learnt a foreign language and got the opportunities to study and live overseas, why wouldn’t I be able to do the same? (If it aligned with what I wanted of course). I did learnt a foreign language too, and decided to live the experience of study

A job interview question

What’s the real vision of the company? I know it will most likely be written in the website, but really, what’s the vision of the company for that precise year, and the next ones?  The next question, how can I help you to achieve that vision? How my contribution to the company will reflect on the potential achievements?  Why those questions? I would be offering my time and skill set for the most productive time of my day, five of seven days, who knows for how long, then, why should I content myself just with financial safety and feel realised just by getting a job?  I would like to know my daily efforts are meaningful, and relevant for a vision that I support. Why would I put most of my time and effort in a vision that I don’t share? For the money? Money helps, of course, but it doesn’t compare with a daily sense of purpose and intention, which a clear vision that affiliate with, does. I guess the real personal question is: How can that company help me understand their vision to know i

Finding my light again

Remember when you walk on the street upright, feeling like actually smiling at people or saying “hi”, and not surprisingly many people offer a smile back? Remember when ideas were flowing in your mind? The inspiration and excitement of creating something, doing progress in a personal project, or just playing a sport with friends? Whatever it is, my memory still hold the sensation, an internal feeling of joy. I’m fortunate I felt that a lot when being a kid, and growing up. And I bet, you and most people can remember moments like that. Moments that stay in a precious part of our memories. The final game that we won in a tournament in the school. The project we did and spent many hour working on, which people were impressed about. The speech, music concert, or paintings we once made. And found out we were great at it. That’s the light I talk about. Growing up tends to put all those awesome moments into just memories. I believe if we revisit some of those moments we will find our best sel

Does my partner help me bring the good out of me? Do I help my partner show the best of them?

As we humans grow up at some point we find a suitable partner and decide to stay together for as long as possible. We then create a sort of group identity and dynamics that spread in all aéreas of our lives, we go from a strong personal identity, to a strong group identity. Partnership dynamics are complex. Partnerships create a new balance for our daily lives, we would hardly feel well if our partner is upset at us.  We have personal important needs that are met by having a partner. That person provides support and help helping us get into our positive balance, same as we do for our partner and so on, aiming for a good feeling relationship, which has great impact on our personal mood.  Communication, in time, becomes in one of the most important group skills in a relationship. Not understanding each other’s motivations and feelings, is almost a sure recipe for future frustration which sometimes starts building up without the other persons knowledge. We should aim for the best Group Ba

Writing a book takes 10 years of dedicated study in specific a field

Yet, we neglect to read what some people have tried their best to consolidate from their experience, reflection and study. Why is it that we don’t seem so keen on receiving knowledge when others have tried their best on consolidating it for us? I don’t know the answer, I guess it requires that the recipient of it has the skill to read, enough focus and attention for it, plus an intrinsic motivation in whatever the topic is. Each person might be in their own stage of life, sometimes more appropriate for reading, sometimes not. And many times, it’s just unknown the power it could have. Bottom line, reading is good, really! Bottom line two, some day I would like to write a book, I have around 6 years time by now, of dedicated study in the topics I like, I don’t think it makes me an expert, it just made me realise that anyone daring to write a book, needs to have a message and something to say, it sure takes effort and my initial guess is that it might be around 10 years of dedicated work,

Are we losing the skill of making eye contact?

I noticed that while I was trying to avoid making eye contact with a woman walking her dog, she said “good morning” with a smile and as I was busy trying to not look at her (even though she was right in front of me), it was late by the time I wanted to reply. That let me thinking, I have been trying to avoid making eye contact or saying hi to people I don’t know, even in situations like that in which people are nearby, because I noticed that’s what people do most of the time. However, somehow, it feels even more awkward not to say hi or do eye contact, that even that requires some effort and causes discomfort in some way.  My point is, it requires probably the same effort, it’s just that when saying “hi” and offering a smile we feel better about ourselves and most likely the other personas well, instead of avoiding eye contact pretending we are looking to our feet or somewhere on the sky and having a few very awkward seconds, which makes no one feel better. We tend to live in smaller p

Why did I buy a property?

Honestly, I wanted to provide a solid answer to anyone questioning the way I use my time.  I do like that the market value is constantly going up, the safety and peace of mind it provides, the approval from family and friends, and perhaps the “admiration” I imagined others might feel, in other words, it was guided by what “everybody” seems to want. I enjoyed the process of working towards a challenging objective. However, after more reflection, I now know why I wanted to buy a property and put so much effort into this. And it is the same reason I wanted to finish my bachelor’s degree in engineering as fast as possible (took me almost 7 years, which incredibly is the average for the small percentage of those who actually finish it in that well renowned university).  The reason? I wanted my freedom. Freedom has many ways of seeing it. For me it meant spending the time doing the activities that I like.  I didn’t know but my family’s and friend's expectations guided me for a long way.

What’s wealth?

“Wealth is not what you have in your bank account. The ultimate wealth is what you wear on your face, it’s a smile” I liked a lot that sentence from the book “Not a life coach” from James Smith, an English guy, personal trainer in the fitness industry, coach, who lived in Australia, travel in many other places, and has a book full of good advice which I’m enjoying a lot 😃🚶💭📖 Remember, what we put in our brain is what we get out. In other words, the quality of the information or content we consume on a daily basis, is what we get out in the form of thoughts, behaviours and emotions. So, choose wisely what you decide to watch, read, do, because it will ultimately show up in our lives in one way or another. Anyway, I liked a lot the idea that real wealth is an internal sense of joy and fulfilment which ultimately makes us have a smile on the face. Sergio, morning meditation while walking in the park and listening to the audiobook “Not a life coach” from James Smith.

Asking for help, the skill that no one taught me

No one taught me how to ask for help. I learnt how to aspire to be super man and do it all on my own, but no one taught me how to ask for help. Whether it’s for career purposes, personal, emotional, etc. Asking for help is one of the most difficult things to do.  Too many people are often copying with too much on their own, never asking for help, or only until things get unbearable. Similar in career success, personal finances, partner relationship, and more. We settle for what we can achieve on our own ignoring that it’s only when we ask for help that things really get to the next level. There is always someone probably more knowledgeable and expert in any topic, why not taking advantage of that and wanting to do all the long way? This is one of my main difficulties and I’ll train this skill, perhaps asking for help in learning how to ask for help. 😊

The Addiction to mobile phones is real

The addiction to the mobile phone is real. We don’t notice it because it’s slowing increasing day after day and becomes a practice generally accepted to use the phone when we are bored, when we re busy, when we are alone, up to that point it was probably still okay,  but now people use it when they are together, when in conversation, interrupting the flow of the face to face interaction, the focus, people lose social skills for listening to each other and engaging in the real face to face world. What would you do if you had an entire extra month every year to use it in whatever you want? Did you know 2 hours a day on social media, is the equivalent to a whole month of time every year? It is funny until it’s not.  Most people would agree using too much the phone (too often unnecessarily on social media or excessive typing) is not great. But, most people still do it. It’s funny until it’s not, until we realise (late) that we are actually losing our social skills and suddenly interacting

Who you are, who you will become

“Tell me who you spend your time with. I’ll tell you who you are. Tell me what you do in your free time, I’ll tell you who you will become.”

The secret for a great day

1) Having a good night of sleep 😴  2) Having a good morning routine 🚿 🥗💧🙏🏼🏋️🧠📝 Having a great day “doesn’t just happen”, we EARN it. Doing step one and two consistently will give us the best chances to have a great day. ☀️ Step 2 description: Cold shower for a few seconds 🚿  Drink water 400-600 ml (our body is dehydrated in the morning because we lose water through breathing while we sleep and to flush out waste through our urine when we wake up) 💧  Do some push ups or squats to activate muscles and organs 🏋️ Be thankful (write down simple things of why you are grateful in life, this is the most important one!) 🙏🏼 No cellphone  first 30 min of waking up  (please! Don’t check your phone during this first half an hour of waking up! (checking WhatsApp, email, news, etc. will activate the cortisol in your system = being more susceptible to stress, losing concentration and motivation). 🚫📱 Go for a walk in the park, breath fresh air, receive sun light, think of your personal

Balance: 40% learning, 60% application

Análisis: 1- hay mucha información disponible, 2- muchas empresas poderosas compitiendo por nuestra atención. Quienes tienen la fortaleza de APRENDER las tecnologías más recientes (alejándose de las distracciones) y poniendo en práctica esos aprendizajes, tendrán la ventaja.  (Porque por definición la mayoría de personas quedan atrapadas en lo que las empresas poderosas ofrecen para capturar la atención de las personas). Balance para mantener en el tiempo: 60% aplicación de conocimiento en trabajo. 40% aprendizaje.

Entendiendo nuestro lugar y momento

1) Debemos interesarnos por la historia. 2) Correlacionar hechos del pasado que explican las condiciones actuales. 3) Identificar tendencias para saber en cuál estamos. ¿Qué condiciones nos ofrece nuestro momento actual y cómo podemos tener una pequeña ventaja competitiva?  

People are better at Execution or at Vision. Which one are you?

Know to if you are better at executing plans, or ideation/ vision of new plans, is important. Both are great skills and working on the missing skill will help you both materialise what you plan but also the vision to do it in the right direction.  Vision are thinkers, sometimes dreamers, slower, doing lots of reflection and questions. But lacking the power to make it real, slow in the implementation therefore seeing few results of what is there in mind. Execution is fast, always moving, getting it done, wanting more to do. But lacking direction, meaning, the why. Sergio.


It’s not necessarily how much you achieve? (money, houses, status,…) that’s what I call RESULTS. But also how ENJOYABLE has been the journey to get those results? That’s why we can’t compare people’s journeys and achievements. Because each balance is unique and what we see is only a part of it.  The ratio RESULTS  vs ENJOYABLE will show the real personal success. (And how much of that helps others). Morning reflection. Sergio.

Somos más felices entre más felices hacemos a quienes nos rodean

 Me quedé pensando en esa frase del video de Ted Talks. “Somos más felices entre más felices hacemos a quienes nos rodean y a los demás en general” Link del video en español:

El secreto para viajar por periodos largos de tiempo?

Le pregunté eso a una pareja de amigos que han visitado muchos países en los últimos años, nos encontramos casualmente en Tailandia, ellos se encuentran haciendo 6 meses de travelling en ápsides de Asia. No resistí las ganas y fui al grano: ¿Cómo pueden viajar tanto sin muchos ingresos?, ¿tenían muchos ahorros, alguien les envía dinero, o tienen algún tipo de negocio? La respuesta que recibí tenía mucho menos magia de lo que yo pensaba. Está literalmente en el querer. Y como diría Steven Bartlett en su libro “the diary of a CEO”, el secreto está en “sweating the small stuff”, es decir, dejando la comodidad de lado y poner atención en los pequeños detalles.  Las tres lecciones que me dijeron sobre viajar mucho y poder seguirlo haciendo: - Transport. Spend less, be patient. Por ejemplo, ellos tomarían las opciones que les ahorra más dinero de modo que pueden mantenerse viajando, el costo viene en tiempo y comodidad. Ejemplo: tomar un bus de 14 horas de noche para ahorrar costos en hosped

Lo más importante para viajar?

 I used to think it was the money. But I couldn’t explain how many people I knew were doing a lot of travelling with apparently not much income, “they probably have a lot of savings or their parents send them money” is what I thought. Nowadays that I am allowing more time to myself to do more travelling, I had a big lesson: while the money of course is important, the most important thing is the will. “Querer es poder”. Things don’t happen from one day to another, but working on the vision and the plan, that’s something we can start doing from any time. Work on the vision, give yourself time to dream, make a plan, follow the plan, adjust, follow the plan, it will happen. Reflections after a few days of starting a dream trip.

Aprendí más leyendo 140 libros en 3 años que

En 3 años de maestría y estudios. Costo de los 140 libros: 2mil dólares. Costo de la maestría y estudios por 3 años: 50mil dólares. Conclusión: el aprendizaje está más relacionado con el esfuerzo, constancia, gusto, que con el precio.  Afortunadamente hay mucha y muy buena información gratis o casi gratis. La clave está en 1) saberla encontrar, 2) implementar estrategias autodidactas de estudio, 3) aplicar conocimientos en proyectos, 4) tener esos proyectos listos para mostrar y así facilitar oportunidades de trabajo cuando aparezcan.

Read 52 books in 52 weeks

Is it possible to read 52 books in 52 weeks every year? Apparently many CEOs and people in roles of high impact do it. Even while being very busy people. That’s impressive! I didn’t achieve that number of 52 books read (audiobooks) per year but I tried hard and I completely agree it has an incredible impact on one’s life! Please find the most impactful books per category in the next stories. Let me know if you have read any of them or if I am missing a good one. Thanks.

75% de los esfuerzos se van en tratar de definir cuál es el camino a seguir

Mientras que solo 25% se dedican a esfuerzos directos que generan el resultado deseado. Principio general que propongo con base en la observación.  Ejemplo: Encontrar el trabajo deseado, esto puede tardar tanto como nos demoremos en 1) saber en qué somos buenos y que nos gusta, 2) adquirir las habilidades/ certificaciones pertinentes, 3) entender cómo funciona el mundo laboral para hacer visible ese talento en los espacios proveedores de trabajo, 4) desarrollarse en el trabajo, ganar experiencia, ajustar la dirección y repetir el proceso. Para el ejemplo anterior, hay muchos pasos en ese proceso que no son visibles desde el principio pero que se llevan la mayor cantidad de esfuerzo no planeado. En conclusión, 1) definir el punto destino con claridad es vital, 2) y definir la estrategia para lograrlo.  Entender bien el problema a resolver y definir la estrategia permite reducir tiempos y esfuerzos en gran medida.

Knowing who we want to be / to become

Is more difficult than what it seems. Early in life we just follow school, parents, Uni, jobs, etc, not having good guided reflections on who we want to be / to become, and why, hopping that by doing the same everybody does it will fulfill us.  Why retirement is so hard on people? I believe it’s mostly due to spending a life of following that process without being intentional about Who we want to be / to become. I doubt that a person who has that clear would struggle with retirement for example. It’s not about dying slowly. It is about figuring out (the sooner the better) who we want to be / to become, therefore living intentionally every single day knowing that all efforts are directed towards something meaningful.  Spearing time for reflection is the best option. Looking for help on how to get started is a good option. The more we delay that the worse it gets, because time is the only currency we won’t have any change to get more of. So, don’t wait too long to reflect, and start dirg

Where is the human component going to be more relevant in an AI world?

If AI can create good text, can create good images and good video, what’s that thing that will make something special because it comes from a human? If we don’t value someone’s text (as in the past) because it probably came from an AI tool in which case it doesn’t require much time and effort.  If we don’t value an image because it is difficult to know if it was made by an AI or not, in which case it would be quick. I think what people value in the end is 1) the effort, 2) the skill. The problem is that it is difficult to know that just by looking at the end result. The difference will lie on 1) being able to know if that something was purely created with an AI,  2) how much effort the person put into it. I believe the only ways to verify that will be by 1) talking with the person to confirm their knowledge and expertise in the topic, 2) probably some new version of block chain to know what’s real, what comes from humans. What the role of humans in a time when AI take so many of the sk

Learning how to live with less

There must be important lessons on doing that at a personal level. Learning how to live with less, enjoying the simple and mundane. I believe a good percentage of happiness is found there. However, how many of us consciously decide to live using less, just the necessary? I haven’t done it. It doesn’t seem an easy thing. Nevertheless, it could be hiding important findings.  Now, at a planetary level. This is a great challenge, so much so, that the future of humanity probably depends on that.  Will we humans learn how to live with less? Without all the comforts that petrol / carbon / gas energy provide us with? At least while we transition to clean energies and reform the global economic system for one that rewards life on earth / instead of the current one which devours life on earth? Sergio, living, thinking, reflecting, writing.

Social / group experiments

Creating group challenges with activities that reinforce positive practices. This is proving to be a great tool as seen so far in two months of the 50 daily push-ups challenge. What others group experiments could we come up with? A WhatsApp group to update the numbers and congratulate each one’s efforts is important. As well as setting a group goal. The final number must be seen as a group number, not individual.

El talento es importante

 Pero la disciplina cuenta por 2. Book: Grit by Angela Duckworth 

Gratefulness is underrated

Most people know being grateful is a good thing. However, not many practice it on a daily basis. Therefore, missing out on this super power.

Dopamine is a serious game

 On that depends our motivation. How can we boost our dopamine production? The answer is in: Food. Exercise. Sleep.

Nos moldeamos y construimos día a día

 La disciplina es un súper poder. 

What is FLOW?

The state of Flow is like getting high in a natural and positive way. Highly efficient people and high performance athletes learn how to master this state.  This is a state in which we are fully aligned and immerse in the activity, whether it is playing an instrument, dancing, writing, reading, designing, drawing, programming, solving a problem, you name it.  High performance athletes are often in this state so they can perform at their best. How do they do it? They train their mind and body to release dopamine naturally, this is achieved by effective habits such as good quality and quantity of sleep, a good diet, regular exercise, sun exposure, mind training, visualisation and positive thinking. When it is time to perform the activity the body and mind are ready to get fully immerse, ready to experience FLOW. How do you know if you have experienced Flow? You know it because there are no other thoughts in your mind, because the perception of time gets lost (could be 15 min or 50 min an

Who can I help / Who can I receive help from

This mindset gets us open to give help and the humility to accept we also need help.

Give love, attention, support, help

To those who appreciate it and are open to receive it.  Not everybody is open to receive it. Respect their position, give them space. Focus your energy on those who you can actually play an important role for. Be thankful and always open for future opportunities to show love, attention, support and help. But for now, Let Go and focus on what you can control. Book, Think like a Monk, Jay Shetty, chapter 1 “Let go”, chapter 4 “Give”.

Two books to read to understand Dopamine

Read these two books to understand how Dopamine works. And what’s dopamine? This is the chemical / biological explanation of how motivation, drive and focus work in the human body. Book, The Molecule of More, by Daniel Lieberman. Book, Dopamine Nation, Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence, by Dr Anna Lembke. Those two books were recommended by the neuroscientist  Andrew Huberman in this podcast episode during the School of Greatness show:

When is your pick time of the day?

Yes, that moment in which your level of focus is high and you accomplish more things?  What activities do you do during that pick time? Are those the activities that are most important for you? No?  Why would you use your most productive time of the day in things that are not the most important for your personal project?

Self discovery is the most exciting journey

You get to learn all the time, do experiments and at the end of the day you are the direct beneficiary of those efforts, not a company, not the state, YOURSELF, plus the better person you become the better impact you can have on others.  How to start / continue that self discovery journey?

Doing hard things give us self-respect

How did you feel about yourself after completing a work out? Finishing a project? Buying a gift for your mom? Writing a poem? Dancing? Programming? Finishing a book? When was the last time you felt well about yourself after scrolling on social media for 5, 10, 30 minutes? “Doing hard things give us self respect” and confidence I would add there (Lewis Howes, the school of greatness, book).

My biggest Asset is

My brain 🧠  The more we work on strengthening our intelligences the more valuable it becomes. The more able it is to understand one’s environment, conditions and opportunities SUITABLE for one self. 

La capacidad de análisis

Debe ser de las pocas que nos quedan que podemos hacer mejor que AI. Tomando situaciones complejas y desarrollando soluciones. Será que aun hacemos eso mejor que AI ?

Body brain focus cycles

How many productive study / working sessions can we have in a day? 2 or 3 sessions of around 90 minutes. That’s when most of the study / work actually gets done. The rest is just resting periods and un focus time.

Inspiration comes (and leaves) at any time.

How do you encourage inspirational moments?  Do you take any actions?  If not, it’s likely they won’t be around so often.

Underrated personal and work skills

- Asking for forgiveness  - Accepting / recognising/ acknowledging one’s mistakes /flaws  - Publicly acknowledging / appreciating other’s work - Ask for honest feedback (and have emotional control to process the answer with a positive attitude)  - Provide honest feedback  - Asking for help Have you done any of those ones? If you have, you might agree it is not easy to do when you are honest about it. They are all difficult because we put ourselves in a position of vulnerability.  Those are skills highly appreciated in work and personal settings. However, it is not to be done with everybody, just with people who are emotionally intelligent and can handle this level of trust.

Tres cosas que aprendí de Bali

El poder adquisitivo de pesos colombianos COP es un poco mayor que el de las rupias indonesias IDR. Es decir, una vez estando en Bali el dinero rinde un poco más de lo que sería dentro de Colombia. En la foto, 150mil pesos colombianos equivalen a 500mil rupias indonesias y también a 50 dólares australianos. No hay papel higiénico en los baños de Bali ! (De hecho, en los países sur asiáticos no usan papel higiénico!) Y entonces? Toca con el chorrito, una manguera al lado del inodoro para limpiarse con agua a presión. (No estuvo tan mal 😅) La religión es muy importante en Bali (Hinduismo) y constantemente ponen ofrendas para sus dioses en la entrada de las casas, estatuas, negocios, carros, en todo lado. Además de otros rituales con danza y prendas de vestir específicas. Bonus. El café más costoso del mundo (94 euros por 100 gramos), se produce una vez el animal kopi luwak  come granos de café, digiere y los excreta, para finalmente preparar un cafecito. Una vez excretado se ve como en

One week in Bali

 It is amazing to visit and see different cultures from what we are used to (different from western type cultures). One can see how western cultures highly value money, work and status, while other alternative cultures probably value more religion and spiritual practices. Which might be better? Living comfortably with material things or comfortably aligned spiritually? Perhaps both are important and a good balance might be the best option. Some of the things learnt in Bali: They drive on the left like Australia, UK and many other countries. The streets are very narrow and they have special cars that less wide than average to fit in the streets including buses. The public transport is almost non existent and most people move around by either taxi or renting a scooter which price is around $8 AUD per day. The Balinese people are very religious and religion plays an important part of every day with specific rituals. For example, every morning Balinese Hinduism people (85% of their populat

Trick to chemically (and naturally) maintain high motivation to achieve goals

Motivation (as most things) goes up and down. The real trick on achieving an objective: 1) Identifying what is your source of motivation, 2) Use triggers to constantly remind you of that feeling which fills you with excitement. More scientific and chemical explanation: In the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, he identifies 3 parts in a Habit: The trigger (which reminds you of the feeling that excites you), the action itself and the reward (the feeling afterwards). Therefore, the step number 1 to maintain motivation high is by keeping triggers around that remind you of the feeling that motivates you.  There are a few chemicals activated in our brain when we feel motivated, mainly Dopamine. That's what we are trying to activate in natural ways, with Triggers of the feeling that motivates us. Examples: Tom Bilye, founder of Quest nutrition and Impact Theory, says how he got sick of his previous job and started Quest nutrition, using as a trigger and source of motivation his m

What's your art?

Painting, writing, drawing, playing instruments, singing, acting, dancing, reading, telling stories, reflecting, analysing, listening to others, doing sports/ Gym, programing, helping, taking care of children, teaching,... What's your art? Let it fuel your life with motivation and share your art with the world. We tend to think all those are just hobbies, but the truth is that there are many other people interested in similar things than us. Two healthy ways of sharing your art: 1) Use digital media to share / inspire / teach others what you know, joining or creating a community.  2) Advertise your areas of expertise and get a side income by teaching /coaching others to learn what you know. Morning reflections. Question in mind: What if we use half of our working week in the traditional job, and the other half in perfecting / sharing our arts with the world? Underlying benefit: A good personal health / motivation balance. 

Wanting to share learnings feels great! but the truth is that

We all feel better when we have someone's attention and that person really listen to us. Reflection of me wanting to share some learnt lessons with friends, but then realising that they value more being able to open, share their experiences and feel heard. Sharing learnt lessons only have good value when an advice is solicited. Otherwise, the best is to listen attentively.  Reflection while reading the book, Think like a monk, by Jay Shetty. 

"No-one has ever become poor by giving"

Frank, quoted by Jay Shetty's book, 8 rules for love. 

What's the quality of your thoughts?

Good quality thoughts requiere of good inputs. What are your mind inputs? 

¿Qué tanto estamos realmente dispuestos a aprender los unos de los otros?

El "ego" nos impide de muchas cosas. Hay que ponerlo en su lugar 💪🏽 con mucha humildad 😊

One Thing Done - Method

If you have to choose only one important thing for Today to get done, what would that be?  *Focus on it and get it done. * Getting one important thing Done everyday. How would that look 30 days later? 💪🏽

Earn your first piss

"Gana tu primera ida al baño para orinar", ojo que la de recién levantado no cuenta.  ESA primera orinada en la mañana debe ser la siguiente después de la de recién levantado.  Si toman suficiente agua de modo que van al baño unas 2 a 4 horas después y les sale transparente, esa es una buena y el cuerpo se está hidratado bien ✅  Si les sale muy amarilla y van por allá hasta el medio día o después (esa no es muy buena), y el cuerpo está andando con muy poca agua disponible 🚫 Muy amarilla 🚫 Se puede vivir así? Claro que sí, pero con que objetivo? Haciendo la metafora con un carro, si no le ponen suficiente agua, simplemente le van dañando las diferentes partes del motor y partes principales, arriesgándose a que se queden varados en algún momento futuro, lo mismo le pasa al cuerpo y después nos preguntamos cómo fue que adquirimos esas condiciones médicas 🤔 Dolor de cabeza? Estreñimiento? Dolor de espalda, músculos,...? Un montón de inconvenientes que se pueden evitar con simp

Feeling inspired and motivated

Is one of the best feelings humans feel (and you can make it a habit).  What activities make you feel inspired, motivated, excited? Make sure you keep doing a bit of that always. 

Self imposed limitations are real

What are your self imposed limitations? If you think you don't have, you probably don't know them yet. The first step is to identify them. 

Can't sleep because something is worrying you?

Get that outside of your head, write your feelings and all of that in a notebook. List the consequences and possible solutions. Leave it there, get that out of your mind so you can sleep well.  Recognize you have no control of it and you will be better by resting well.  Next day in the morning, right when you wake up, be conscious about your mind and your thoughts, very likely, your brain will provide you with possible answers to that situation. Write it down immediately once you wake up. Harness the power of the mind in your favor. Book, Why we sleep, by Matthew Walker. 

The brain is a super powerful thing, specially when We sleep & Wake up

Don't waste this super power. Before to sleep, REFLECT about your day. REVIEW your personal goals /objectives. Be THANKFUL.  The last images and thoughts at night before we sleep are very important for the brain. Why? Because the brain keeps wandering about it while sleeping.  It is similar in the morning. The first thoughts and activities we do once waking up have a lasting effect during the whole day.  Please don't check your phone straight away after waking up 🙏🏼. Why? Because you don't know what you might find there, a work email, messages, negative news... Instead, choose to have input from something uplifting and inspiring, music, thinking of dreams, exercise.  The impact of this will last for the whole day. Book, Why we sleep, by Matthew Walker. 

Y cómo estamos de trabajo voluntario?

Mis amigos... Difícilmente podría indicar actividades que sean más gratificantes que hacer trabajo voluntariado. Solo se aprende al hacerlo.., recuerdo que una vez en la U le pregunté a una compañero de clase que qué era TECHO, ella me explicó el trabajo que hizo construyendo casas y le pregunté que cuánto le pagaron por hacer eso, NADA 😯, de gratis.  Solo entendí lo que ella me quiso decir ese día, unos 5 años después, cuando hice mi primera actividad de trabajo voluntariado 😯, el dinero no tiene comparación con el sentimiento que esa vaina produce 😌 Mi amiga estaba en lo correcto y por fin pude entender lo que me quería decir 🙌 Busca una actividad que disfrutes y ofrece tu ayuda en alguna comunidad o a personas en particular 😉🤝

Having a journal to be thankful can probably be the single most important tool for happiness.

Report of experiment for a month. It consists of writing thankful thoughts in a notebook every morning once waking up. What did I find?  Consistency is hard / the reward is worth it.  I just did it a few days during the first two weeks, then in the third week I did it almost everyday, and now, in my fourth week, I haven't missed a day and some days I do it both in the morning and night before to sleep. I just wrote about this experience today because I was able to notice how much difference it makes when I do this first thing in the morning once I wake up compared to when I don't do it.  Having a journal to be thankful can probably be the single most important tool for happiness. It's just incredible, I heard about it many times in different books, especially in "the resilience project: finding happiness through Gratitud, Empathy & Mindfulness" which is a really good book, among other good ones that mention the practice of having a Gratitud / Thankfulness jour

"Don't follow a job or position

Follow a leader, a mentor" Jay Shetty, book, Think like a monk. 

Frases que repito mentalmente y dan fuerza

- Be in a position of ACTION so you can have a real impact. - God help me to help 🙏🏼 - We try our best, we do what we can. Qué frase repites mentalmente y te da fuerza? Ayuda bastante cuando la motivación es baja. 

Si escribo un blog que pocas personas siguen, el blog tiene valor o no?

Cosas que solo se saben años hacia el futuro... Este blog tiene dos propósitos reales: 1) Consolidar lecciones aprendidas, y 2) Esperar que pueda ser de utilidad para otros como lo es para mí. 1) Consolidar lecciones aprendidas: * Las cuales aprendí con 6 años de mucho esfuerzo en la Universidad, viviendo por 5 años en Australia y volviéndome un aficionado por el conocimiento (from books and people I have met).  * Desafortunadamente nuestros cerebros retienen muy poca información de lo que aprendemos. Es simplemente un hecho y función natural del cerebro para ahorrar energía mental.  * Porque me permiten entender las personas y el mundo a mi alrededor.  2) De utilidad para los demas * Puede ser que esto sea de valor para personas solo con leerlo.  * Lo puedo recordar por medio de este blog y ayudar otras personas en sus propios journeys.  * Hay un componente de lenguaje. Escribo en español y en inglés para incentivar personas nativas de ambos idiomas a que sigan aprendiendo ingles o es

¿Por qué casi nunca decimos lo que realmente pensamos?

Qué tan seguido realmente expresamos lo que opinamos? En el trabajo? En la familia? Con la pareja? Otros ambientes? Las personas no se van a expresar sinceramente a menos que sientan la confianza para hacerlo.  Cualquiera que sea el contexto, es importante crear el espacio, y hasta la cultura, de comunicarnos sinceramente, sin juzgar. En el mediano y largo tiempo es la mejor opción. Para eso hay que estar abierto a escuchar. No necesariamente se tiene que encontrar la solución a la situación de inmediato, con sólo poderse expresar y sentirse escuchado ya se está encaminando por buena dirección. 

"It is better to leave one task done than

a couple of tasks started" If you have a few things started that you know you won't be able to finish by the end of the day, FOCUS only on the task that you have more chances to get Done ✅ for that day. Why? Because 1) preparation takes time (preparing for two things and not finishing them is not effective because anyway you will need to spend preparation time again for both of them to catch up where you left it), And 2) because we feel better when we get things done, complete.  So, focus on what you can get done for the day, and get it done! 

"People put more effort on trying to avoid pain/ fears, than in

Pursuing their own goals" Podcast, Humans by Platzi. 

"Death is real, no-one who has ever lived has escaped"

Mo Gawda, book, Solve for Happy. 

"Love yourself for doing your best

not for the outcome". Mo Gawda, book, solve for Happy. 

You are what you do repeatedly


Quién tiende a sabotear nuestros sueños, metas y aspiraciones?

Son aquellos más cercanos de lo que nos imaginamos.., sí, empezando por nosotros mismos, y siguiendo por la pareja, amigos, papás, familia. Qué tan seguido esas personas cercanas realmente te ofrecen apoyo cuando compartes tus ideas y que quiz á   no están dentro de lo "normal"? No tan seguido como tal vez lo quisiéramos pensar, POR QUÉ? Lo hacen con mala intención? No, es u na tende ncia natural en las interacciones de grupo.  Papás tienden a sabotear nuevas ideas y metas porque ellos tienen un instinto natural de protección, por lo general estarán contentos si no experimentamos muchas cosas nuevas ya que eso implica que estaremos más seguros 😊.  Y amigos o pareja? Resulta que también pasa algo entre grupos y comunidades, hay una tendencia por tratar de estar al mismo nivel con aquellos en nuestro círculo cercano, y cada vez que alguien tiende a avanzar o tomar distancia del círculo, adivinen que es más fácil para poder mantenerse al mismo nivel con ellos, alcanzarlos al av

Give others your honest attention more often

People's attention is so valuable. In fact, so many companies compete all the time for our attention. From a different perspective, How often do you give your honest attention to: your partner, family, friends, people wanting to learn from you, others? Don't worry about gifts and material things (if they are not urgent), provide your honest attention to people and that alone will represent so much. 

The 10 seconds rule

That's what people spend looking at content before choosing something else or deciding they want to watch the video a bit longer / read the article a bit deeper. 10 seconds of attention. 

Better Done ✅

Than perfect ⚠️ It's better to get something Done and functional, than nothing at all because you were trying to make it "perfect". A personal project? A diet? A new habit? Don't think about it too much. Try, get it done quickly, use it, iterate and improve from there. 

People have on average 3-5 major breakdowns in their lives

Hope it helps to put things into perspective. It's not the end of the world and life is not against you. It's a fact, people suffer between 3-5 major breakdowns during their life time on average.  Not many talk about it openly and that's why when a major breakdown occurs, it is such a sorprise and emotions are very intense. You are not alone and it is just common in people's lives. Welcome to "being a human".  The real question is what do you do about it and how do you prepare for the next one? Yes, the next one, it's not if it happens, it's when it happens. What do you do about it and how do you prepare for it?

Anecdota (y tip)

Cuando estaba haciendo mi año 11 en el colegio, recuerdo que el profe de economía me dijo "SI compra dolares, en el mediano o largo plazo, eso le generará ganancias", no le entendí muy bien a qué se refería (de hecho, me ha tardado cerca de 10 años entender realmente a lo que se refería), El caso es que tenía como 200mil pesos ahorrados y decidí hacerle caso, fui a una casa de cambio (ahí el dólar estadounidense estaba por los 1900 pesos en 2010), y así de fácil, entregué un fajo de billetes de 2mil, 5mil y 10mil pesos, y recibí  un solo billete a cambio, uno de 100 dólares 😲 que susto, ahí iban los ahorros de un par de meses, me aseguré de que a ese billete no le fuera a pasar nada y no se fuera a perder.  Pasó cerca de 6 meses, y eso fue lo máximo que me pude aguantar, ahí no resistí mas la tentación, fui y cambié ese billete por pesos, me dieron cerca de 170 mil, resulta que el dólar americano no se había recuperado y además pagué los costos de transacción. No fue la mejo

Follow energy

Which activities make you feel more energetic? Which ones drain your energy? Focus more on the ones that give you energy and less in the ones that take the energy from you.  Rob Dyrdek, professional skater and entrepreneur. 

Before to ask

You need to give. (James Altucher, Tom Bilye, Lewis Howes and more people agree on this) 

Cuidado con el "síndrome del impostor"

Es descrito como la sensación de que uno no es lo suficientemente bueno, competente o capaz para asumir una posición con más responsibilidad, para proponer soluciones, y por tanto, es un "impostor", un fraude.  El síndrome del impostor nos detiene de tener la confianza para tomar roles de liderazgo, crear, promover, enseñar, desarrollar y explorar nuestro potencial. Referencia BBC website. "¿Qué es el síndrome del impostor y por qué lo sufre tanta gente?“. Disponible en <>

Keeping memories handy

Is a way of living more, celebrate milestones and appreciate the journey. Memories in the way of photos, videos, writings, drawings, art, hand made things, among others. 

Think by first principles

Do you enjoy thinking by first principles trying to connect causes with behaviours and results?  Thinking by first principles is a great thinking skill to have. The more information our brains are exposed to, the better connections our brains can make. In other words, the more experiences we have, the more books we read, the more people we meet and useful content we are exposed to, the better connections out brains can make to think by first principles and try to understand our world. 

Don't compromise your future too much..

You will regret it later when you feel 200% sure of doing something, but you can't because you have previously compromised your future too much.  That means: Stay healthy. Have savings. Avoid unnecessary debt. Committ to middle term goals (2-3 years at a time). Respect your own values and principles.  

"Lo más sostenible (costo/ beneficio) a largo plazo es

Hacer lo que te gusta" Adriana Urrego de Platzi. 

The new styles of life and work

 are making people more socially incompetent. 

Solo 20% de los concejos que nos dan se quedan presente en nuestra mente

Mientras que 80% de los concejos que damos se quedan presente en nuestra mente. 🤔

We can generate QR codes of website links

Search in Google Links to QR code Or QR generator 

People are more interested in learning how to do it themselves

Rather than knowing the facts and info. 

"Más vale poquito todos los dias

Que mucho de vez en cuando"

"Uno madura tanto

como conversaciones incómodas tiene" 🤔

"Tener una sola fuente de ingresos es incluso irresponsable"

Qué opinan?

Reflection about "Structural" issue in companies

Employees are not 100% of the time busy. There are some periods that are busier than others, that's just a fact. Should they be 100% of the time busy or what percentage is good?  If they are too busy, it will be overwhelming at some point.  If they are not busy enough, they will feel unproductive, missionless, not valued.  SOLUTION.  It's complex and there must be many factors to take into account such as holidays and sick leaves time.  Ideally (I think), companies should be clear about an actionable plan for the gap.  To relieve loads when they are 120%, and to complemented when they are 70 - 80%. Own observations. 

An employee needs to know there are more tasks awaiting for her/him after finishing the current one

Otherwise, that employee will drag the current task for a lot longer than needed. Own observation. 

You should expect new employees to perform tasks at 70% of what they are shown

A supervisor, manager, leader, should calculate new employees, followers to do things some 70% right of what they are taught. Therefore, if you teach the tasks with excellence, they will most likely be perform   not at am excellent way, but good enough to meet standards.  If you teach it just what would be good enough, most likely it would be perform 70% of what was taught, therefore it won't meet standards. Own observations. Sergio. 

Good leaders do things right from the beginning

and teach by example. 

How you do small things is how you do everything

Do you make your bed in the mornings? Everyday?  "If you can't do the small things right, you will never do the big things right " The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes' book. "One of the easiest and most important habits for happiness is making the bed in the mornings" Book, the Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin. Do you make the bed in the mornings?  Try it. It will boost the rest of your day making you feel well about yourself and more comfortable in your own room. 

Don't measure victories being more competent than others at something

Measure it being more competent than yourself in previous attempts. Sergio. (Although a lot of people have said this in different ways). 

Just the action of writing doesn't take much long

It's the inspiration and the habit which take it. 

"Why?" method

Asking yourself "why?" and trying to provide an explanation, then ask yourself again "why?", and so on.  Some authors described it as the 7- layers deep. Or as an "onion", trying to peel it up to get to the essence, the root cause of it.

"Is it true?" method

When you have a thought, asking your self "is it true?" 

The rich are poor and the poor are rich / both are poor / or both are rich? 🤔

The most visible signs of poverty are not having access to basic physical needs, food, water and a home. The least visible signs of poverty are the not physical ones such as lack of motivation and drive. The "poor" in material things look all their life to acquire more material things usually being wealthy in love and motivation, but thinking that they are poor. The "wealthy" in material things tend to look for more material things thinking they  will be able to cover that internal poverty of lack of love and motivation. IN OTHER WORDS  The "poor" in material things go through life thinking they are poor but not knowing they are actually wealthy in love and motivation (which is more powerful than the accumulation of material things). And the "wealthy" go through life showing themselves to others as wealthy in love and motivation, but internally lacking love and motivation and trying to  fulfill their internal poverty with more material things. SO

Real wealth is

Motivation, drive and health.  Complemented with knowledge, experience, freedom of time and of choice. Sergio. 

No matter what you do. 1/3 of the people won't like you,

1/3 will like you, and 1/3 won't care.  So don't wait too long to start doing what you like, some will like it, some won't, and many won't care. It's a fact. 

Your best future clients are

your current clients. 

Our brain is not designed for

long term stress.

When you seek only for external rewards

that's when you are no longer in control. 

Gain control of your body by breathing

Tomar aire y soltarlo rápido repetidamente  = speed up heartbeat. Soltar aire despacio = slow down heartbeat. Book, The Wim Hof method, by Wim Hof. 

The most interesting subject we can study is


Respect your commitments

Doing difficult things gives us self-respect

And confidence for the next challenges.

Common answer for what is Greatness in The School of Greatness podcast show

Leaving everything on the field.

You are most likely to help people that identifies

with the person you once were. Rory Vaden. 

The life you live

are the lessons you teach. What lessons do you usually teach/ share?  Book, The 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins. 

An adult's external words

become an children's internal words. Book, The 5 second rule, by Mel Robbins. 

Build your personal brand

It is an asset. Personal branding is the future. It is highly profitable. It is the digitization of reputation. Find your uniqueness, so you can exploit it on the service of others.  Lessons from Rory Vaden in personal branding.  You are either going to educate, encourage or entertain.  People don't pay for information, they pay for organization and application.  Rory Vaden, from Brand Builders Group.

You need health to build wealth

Book, The school of Greatness, by Lewis Howes. 

Money comes when you are ready

Book, The school of Greatness, by Lewis Howes. 

If you want to achieve your goals

help other people achieve their goals

Putting numbers to the weeks of the year is a very very powerful practice for personal objectives

They are 52 weeks in a year, the same amount that a poker cards deck. Why? Because organising the year with 365 days is a too big number for anyone to keep accurate track of something. 12 months is a too small number. But 52 weeks is perfect!  52 weeks is a good number for a person to keep track of their plans. It allows people to be more responsible and accountable for their objectives. CEOs, managers and lots of successful people organises themselves on a weekly system. It works great for personal goals as well.  Please don't under estimate this tool. It has been a key principle to work towards objectives and maintain the motivation along the way. 

Creative note-taking

Write keywords, make drawings, put arrows, symbols, allow your mind to dream, make unconventional connections and visualize exiting possibilities of the world. 

Focus on the fundamentals

The rest will take care of itself 

Writing time-lines as a tool to refocus

Since birth? About professional experiences? About credentials obtained? About progress in a specific goal? About relevant moments in a relationship? About main lessons? About main challenges? You choose the topic.  Time-lines are great because they help us identify past relevant situations, locate where we are (our present) and recalibrate / refocus expectations for the future. 

Method to solve / find patterns in complex situations

Have a complex problem situation that stays in your mind? The harder you think the more confusing it gets?  Solving method. Write main topics and subtopics on a piece of paper in no specific order, only key words, no sentences. Keep doing it adding more as they come to your mind and finding relationships.  By the end you should be able to  recognize the main topics/areas, relationships, possibilities, impacts of actions, resources (time, money, effort, flexibility).  Things should look more clear now, what if it doesn't? Don't worry, you are providing your unconscious mind with the tools to find out the solution. It will most likely come to your mind within hours or next days. It happens a lot after waking up for example.  Does it sound to simple? Try it out. Simple things are the ones which usually work the best. 

Writing new ideas and reflections

Is a good practice for creativity and self-awareness. Book, choose yourself, by James Altucher. 

Una mente clara

alcanza la efectividad / resultados deseados utilizando sólo un 30% del tiempo.

A reflection about time, present, past and future

The present time. ⌚ Only the present matters because that's what we can really feel, see, smell, hear, interact with.  The future is important because it will be present at some point and we want to have a nice present at that moment.  The past is important because it shapes our present and all the thoughts that are in our mind, thoughs that remind us of who we are, what we are able to do and how to get the most of our present base on the experiences from our past. Reflection about time in a normal day while riding on the bycicle... 

Runway is

How long you can live from savings. How long can you live from savings? 

Live a life true to yourself

Or to keep up with other's expectations/ ego/ recognition? 🤔

Career capital is

Anything that helps to put you in a desire position in the future. It includes skills, connections, credentials, experiences, portfolio and runway.

Interesting concepts

Zero sum game. Desicion fatigue. Skills stacking.  Complementary skills.  Career capital.  Brain power.  Visualization complemented with action.  Will power.  Concepts from Steven Bartlett's book. 

Focus on progress

Not in the end result. 

Putting yourself in challenging situations

makes you stronger.  Don't be afraid to try new things. Flexibility and adaptability are valuable skills, especially during these rapid changing times. 

Be careful with being comfortable and complacent

You might forget what you wanted to achieve in first place...

The story. Your story. The highs. The lows. The sacrifices. The prize.

That's your scene as a person which people want to know and generates a feeling. Own your truth, be yourself, own who you are and start from there.

If you don't have a program for your mind

someone is going to program it for you... 

Why my eyes are more tired since I work from home?

The eyes have muscles and therefore we need to exercise them as well. Staying home also means that your eyes exercise less.  Doing daily commutes to work, meeting co-workers, being in big rooms, are all spaces in which the muscles in our eyes are constantly exercising. That doesn't happen when we are looking at an object (screen) right in front of your eyes continuously for over 8-10 hrs with no as many breaks as it should be.  How do the eyes get exercised?  They get exercised by: 1) looking at things at difference distances, 2) moving them up and down, left and right, or in circles, 3) looking at people in face to face meetings.  And the eyes need to get constant rest by: 1) Blinking more often, as we tend to blink a lot less while on the computer, 2) use 20-20-20 rule, looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.  Source of information.

5 exercises to rest eyes from computer

1) Blinking. People blink a lot less while working on a computer and the eyes dry out. Aim to blink once every 4 seconds. 2) Eye rolling. Close your eyelids and then roll your eyes around in circle. It helps to lubricate your eyes and strengthen the muscles in the eyes.  3) Visual scanning. Help your eyes adjust between objects near and far. Watch in very much detail to objects in your room which are at different distances. 4) Focusing. Do 20-20-20 rule. Look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes on the screen. 5) Glancing. Close your eyes, then look up as much as you can comfortably, then down. Open eyes. Then repeat now to the left and then to the right. Source if information:

20-20-20 rule to rest eyes from computer screen

This rule indicates to look at something 20 feet away (6 meters) for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes while working on a computer.

Those first things you do in the morning

Have an impact during the rest of the day. Make sure to get your mood right since the morning. 

Many people talk about anxiety

But few take time to think about the triggers and actions that activate that feeling. (Watching the phone when waking up? Why? Urgent messages that can't wait other 30 min? News of the world that need to be known right after waking up? Reading emails that get you pretty quick on the "worries" of the day?) All of those are some triggers of anxiety that can be stopped easily and have great positive impact. What to do instead? Wake up. Leave the phone in plane mode. Go out for a short walk, 15 min will be good. Breath fresh air. Listen to some calming music. Sing if you can. Take a cold shower to boost the energy levels of the body. Have breakfast or go to work as you normally do. Enjoy an awesome day. 

The best way to ensure a straight back

And a good posture is by exercising the muscles from the hips to the top. (arms, back, chest, abs, shoulders, neck) 

Most activities that bring happiness

Are in the present. Technique by Mo Gawda to focus on the present moment. To describe talking out loud everything visual around you. 

Real knowledge is

To know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius. 

Every person processes stress differently causing internal damage in organs and parts of the body

Some internalize it causing damage in the stomach, in the colon, gut, back, heart, brain, etc. What part of your body do you feel pain/ discomfort when you are in stressful situations? 

What is your gift?

Being aware of one's gift (natural skill) is more difficult than what it seems. The next question would be: How do you nurture your gift? And how do you put your gift at the service of others? SQ. 

Emails written in 3 sentences max

Keep the bodies of emails down to 3 sentences maximum. Long messages discourage busy people from reading it. Book, Do more faster, by David Cohen. 

Seeking the Flow state

In the morning, after a good morning routine. From 8am to 1pm while fasting in the morning. That's the best time to be in the flow state. That according to Robin Sharma, author of "the 5am club" and "the monk who sold his ferrary". Robin Sharma also indicated he wrote the book while fasting in the mornings and in that flow state of mind. 

Improving students motivation by recording/ saving efficiently their work through the years creating a CAREER FOLDER

Students lose motivation because every time the year begins, or the new semester we completely forget about what happened in the previous one. I believe one way to highly strengthen students career is by helping students somehow NOT JUST recording their grades, which alone don't say much because they have been given in a subjective way for a teacher and also it varies from one institution to another. For example, 60 out of a 100 would be not a good grade for an easy class, but maybe 60 out of a 100 would be a good result if it was with a very tough teacher where most students usually fail the subject. Therefore, grades alone don't really say much and are not necessarily a reflection of the student's performance.  What would be really useful, is if students could create and update their CAREER FOLDER with their art, projects, videos, presentations, articles, as they do it year by year during the school, and continuing it during the UNIVERSITY. Students should have total auto

Learning French day 49, update

Strategie #1.  Using the pdf of the book "Learn French with Paul Noble" and resuming it into 10 grammar lessons.  Tactics: - Recording each lesson into a 2 or 3 minutes episodes of podcast (as a way of maintaining the motivation). - Writing main lessons on papers and sticking it to the wall in the leaving room (to see it constantly and help my unconscious maintain it in mind always). - Re-writing the lessons in the description of the episode when posting it in the podcast. - Listening to my own podcast episodes while looking at the notes on the wall. It usually took around 22 minutes to listen to the 10 episodes.  Duration: The last lesson was completed on the Day 20. AMOUNT of hours of study: 18 hours of effective studying. How often: Four times a week on average. Strategy #2.  Using Duolingo. Description: It seems very useful even though I haven't been back. I did it for a total of 8 days and using two hours of wfective studying. Main reason for stopping: using Duolingo